Ch. 50 "I'll show you"

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                                                    Hayden POV 

I hear voices, 

"Two days, she's been out for two days!" I hear 

My heavy eyelids slowly crack open, all I see is shadows, I can't make out who it is talking, 

"Calm down Clint, you need to remember she lost a lot of blood," I hear another voice 

I sighed as my eyes lids become heavy and I fall into unconsciousness yet again, 

"Hayden please come back, I know your life hasn't been easy, and I know I've been hard on you sometimes but that only means, I care," I heard Clint's voice 

"If I could I would take all of it away, give you the life you deserve," His voice shakes 

"I know you can beat this, your a tough kid, with a spirt that never falters," I felt someone holding my hand, 

"You may be rough around the edges but through all of that I know there is a diamond, and i can show you that but first... first you have to fight, please," He said 

I feel into unconsciousness again, 

Beep, Beep, Beep, 

The steady rhyme of a heart monitor echoed in the room, 

My heavy eyelids slowly flutter open, a Oxygen mast was over my nose and mouth, 

In a panic I went to remove, The beeping in the machine became quicker, 

"Whoa, Whoa, Hayden calm down, it's just oxygen, you need it," Bruce said 

"That's it your alright, how are you feeling?" Bruce said 

"Tired.." I said weakly 

"That's understandable you lost half your body weight in blood," Bruce said 

My eyelids slowly became heavy, 

"Sleep Hayden, we'll talk later," He said 

And yet again I fell into unconsciousness 

The sound of beeping echoed in the room yet again, 

My heavy eyelids cracked open, I slowly turned my head, seeing out the window It was dark out, the moon was high in the sky, 

I slowly turned my head to the left, to see Clint, He was watching the heart monitor intently, I blinked slowly, His arms were crossed, he looked as tired as I felt, 

I see the Fluids next to the bed, two bags hang from a pole, one must be fluids the other must be the drugs, 

I looked down to see I'm in a different shirt It's a hospital gown, I slowly move the hand that had the IV's in down my stomach to my side, 

And I hissed Painkillers or not, that hurts, My breath became raspy with pain, I've grown accustomed to pain but this was on a different level, 

"Hey, easy," I hear Clint 

I slowly looked in Clint's direction, Seeing he is by my side in know time, Concerned littered his face, 

"How are you feeling?" He asked worried, 

"I'm tired," I mumbled 

"I know sweetheart," He said brushing some of my hair that is sticking to my forehead away, 

"You lost a lot of blood," He said 

I looked at Clint with sad eyes, 

"Clint I'm-" I began 

"We can talk about it later," He said pulling up a chair, next to the bed, 

"You scared me.. Not much scares me, but watching you bleed out like that, It scared the hell out of me," Clint said 

"I didn't.. I didn't mean for things to go so wrong," I said with a raspy voice, 

"I know you didn't," Clint said brushing some of my hair out of my eyes, 

"Just... Just promise me you won't do anything so reckless again," He said with Worry in his voice 

I looked at his expression, he was truly Concerned about my well being, which might I add is an odd feeling, 

"Hayden?" He asked 

I guess he could see my expressionless face, something I was very good at because of many years of practice, 

"It's just- Never mind," I said 

"No tell me," He said grabbing my hand

"It's just I don't.. I don't know what this is," I said weakly 

"I don't understand?" Clint said

"All the times I ended up in the hospital, I've never seen that look before," I said looking at him through hooded eyes, since I was getting tired again, 

"Shh, we'll talk more when your not so tired," He said petting the top of my head, my eyes slowly fluttered shut,

As I started to fall into Unconsciousness, I heard Clint start to talk again, 

"It's called Love Hayden, and I'm going to show you what that is," He whispered, 

I felt something soft on my forehead as I fell into unconsciousness yet again

                                         Clint POV 

I watched as Hayden fell asleep, 

I looked at her, Sure she was a rough kid, but she had to be to get through all the shit her so called parents put her through, 

But through that rough exterior I see a kid, who just wants to be loved, but yet she doesn't even know what that is, what it's like to be loved, 

Weather it's by parental figures, siblings or something else, it's a stranger to her, she was utterly confused by this, 

And for that I'm going to make it my mission to show her what that is, I kissed her on the forehead one last time before settling in the chair next to her bed, 

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