Ch. 55 "Secrets"

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                                                     Hayden POV 

The past few days Clint seems... no wait lets scratch that everyone seems to be on edge, every time I go to leave the tower someone is always with me, it's like I'm a freaking toddler, 

and every time I ask and tell them I'm not a child I always get a smart ass response, like 

"Aww what embarrassed?" 


"I just simply want to enjoy your company," 

What I want to know is what the hell is going on? I thought 

I know they are keeping something from me, and I'm going to find out what, I take the elevator to the floor where Fury's office is, 

I hide in the corner, if I'm right he's about to leave for lunch, I thought my back was pressed against the wall, 

I hear the door close, and him lock it, and see him walking down the hall once he was out of view I approached his office, 

I picked the lock, 

I sat behind his desk hacking into his computer, 

Hmm who knew Fury was a yankees fan since that was the password, 

"Alright, I'm going to find out what the hell they are hiding from me," I mumbled 

My fingers flying across the keyboard, 

and then I seen the file, it was marked as Top Priority, 

So I clicked on it, 

"Apprehend Eric Chase, armed and dangerous, escaped federal prison four days ago, last known location unknown, wife moved to Shield prison cell," The file said 

I stood up shocked, 

"How could they keep this from me?" I said balling up my fists 

Then I heard the footsteps in a panic I looked for an escape, then I looked up and smirked I jumped on his desk, and crawled in the vent, I crawled until I see a moment I have to take, 

I see Peter watching a horror movie, he was sitting on the edge of the couch, ready to jump out of his skin, 

Oh I just have to, i thought 

I jumped out of the vent making a creepy noise making Peter scream like and girl and jump, back, 

"Hayden! don't do that!" He said 

I chuckled 

"Sorry I just had to," I said 

We hear rushing footsteps, 

"What happened we heard a girl scream?" Tony said in a panic 

"Don't worry I just scared Peter out of his skin," I said 

Peter just glared at me, 

I then became serious, 

"But what I want to know is why you lied to me," I said crossing my arms, 

"What do you mean?" Tony said 

"Oh gee maybe along the lines of Eric escaping prison, and none of you telling me," I said glaring at Tony 

"Umm, uh.." Tony said 

"Steve!" Tony yelled 

"What," Steve said walking in the room, 

"Talk to sunshine, I've umm got to fix my suit," Tony said walking out of the room, 

I glared at Steve, and told him the same thing I said to Tony, 

"Look Hayden we just didn't want you to worry," he said 

"Didn't want me to worry!  this man made my life a living hell! and now he's out and about plotting who the hell knows what and you kept this from me so I wouldn't worry!?" I said 

"Language," Steve said crossing his arms 

"You know what I just can't!" I said walking away, 

"Hey don't walk away," Steve said 

I spun around, 

"You know you guys expect me to trust you! but you lied to me! you purposely kept this from me!" I said 

"We just want to keep you safe," He said 

"Yeah well I had a right to know!" I said 

"What is going on in here?" Nat and Bucky walked in, 

I just rolled my eye, 

"Whatever I'm out of here," I said storming out of the room, 

I am now on the roof, with my bow, a backpack, 

I pulled my back pack on my back, 

"If anyone is tracking him down it's going to be me," I said 

I aimed my arrow to the roof on the other side of the street, and I zip lined to the roof, 

"An I don't need any help this time around," I mumbled as I took off running

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