Ch. 58 "Care"

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                                                       Hayden POV 

My eyes flew open when I felt a sudden pain in my shoulder which caused me to his, 

"Shh, it's alright little Chick, your alright," Laura said dabbing my wound, 

I felt the sweat falling from my forehead, 

"I'm sorry..." I said weakly, 

"Shhh," She said petting my head, 

"I tried... so.." I said getting weaker and weaker, 

"Shh, save your strength, Clint won't be here for a few hours," She said 

"I'm sorry, you were the closest thing, I didn't mean..." I said 

"Shhh, It's alright little Chick," She got up to dunk the rag in some water, on the nightstand, 

I looked around and realized I'm in the room I normally stay in, when we visit here, 

She was cleaning the wound again, but it just kept bleeding, I guess she can't really do anything since she doesn't really the have the supplies, I thought 

I was fighting sleep, and I think she could see that, 

"Sleep little Chick, I'm not going anywhere," She said petting my head, then I felt my eyelids slowly flutter shut, 

                                                Laura POV 

Hayden was running a high fever, the sweat just running down her face and forehead, I laid a cool wash cloth on her forehead, and kept trying to stop the bleeding from her wounds, 

A few hours later I hear the wooden screen door open and close multiple times, 

"Laura?" I hear Clint's voice not far from the door, 

I look behind me, and see Clint and a few of the avengers 

"She's running a fever," I said worried 

"It's alright, Bruce will take care of her, come on," Clint said guiding me out of the room, 

"Tell me what happened?" Clint said as we sat down at the table all of us having a coffee cup in our hands, 

The steam rising from the mug, 

"I was just getting ready to turn in for the night when I heard frantic pounding on the front door," I said 

"That's when I saw the blood, I didn't know it was Hayden until I opened the door, and she collapsed," I said worried 

                                       Hayden POV 

I woke up in pain, it felt like I couldn't breathe, my breathing becoming more shallow, my eyes shot open, 

I see Bruce hovering over me, While Nat stood there helping, I tossed my head left and right, 

"Hayden relax, what's wrong?" Bruce said 

"I can't breathe," I said 

He finished stitching my shoulder, 

Then moved to the wound near my rib cage, 

"Hayden your going to feel a lot of pressure, but I'm going to fix it alright," Bruce said 

I nodded 

And just like he said I felt the pressure but slowly I felt it disappear, 

"You did good," Nat said petting my hair, My eyes slowly fluttered shut again

                                                Clint POV 

we waited and waited, waiting for Bruce to come down stairs, that's when I heard the stairs creak, 

I see Bruce and Nat walk down the stairs, 

"She's going to be alright, from what I can tell she's got a cracked cheek bone, a few cracked ribs, she did have a blood clot but we took care of that, right now what worries me is the high fever she currently has we have to bring that down," Bruce said 

I nodded and so did everyone else, 

"I'll take first watch," I said 

I walked into the room, sitting near the bed, seeing Hayden in bad shape, bruises covered her face, so did some cuts, 

The sweat was just falling from her face and forehead, 

I grabbed the cold wet cloth and started wiping the sweat off her forehead, 

"Don't worry Chipmunk, I'm here now," I whispered 

"I'm here now," I trailed off, 

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