Ch. 100 "Dark Archer"

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I would love to say thank you everyone for the support and love of this book I never thought it would make it this far!! 100 chapters!! I can't believe it thank you everyone!!

Hayden POV

"Last warning drop the bow," She said as she had a gun pointed at me,

I put both my hands up like I was surrendering, slowly kneeling to put the bow on the ground, it was still in my grip,

But at last second I threw a knife at her hands hitting the dominate hand holding the gun, knocking it out of her hands,

I charged her, she grabbed my arm pinning it behind my back, I planted both feet on the van, running up the side of the van, doing a back flip throwing her over my shoulder,

I turn around to see her squatting in a defensive position,

She charged me, She went to right hook me, but I ducked, I went to punch her, but she blocked it with her arms,

She went to punch me, but I caught her fist, she looked at me shocked,

I took my pointer finger and my thumb forming it into a curved 'L' and jammed it hard at her throat,

Causing her to gasp and hold her throat, she looked at me in shock,

"Hayden?" She said

I quickly hooked my foot at her ankles, and she fell flat on her back,

I pulled a syringe out of my belt, and jammed it in her neck, she looked shocked,

"Sorry Nat, but I can't let anyone get in my way this time," I said darkly and her eyes flutter shut,

I slowly walked to the back of the van, seeing medusa unconscious, I grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her, not caring for her, not even giving her a second thought, Not far from the scene was a car, I opened the trunk shoving her body in it, I looked at her,

"Don't worry this is only Plan 'A' to what I've got in store for you," I said darkly

I slammed the trunk shut,


I woke to someone lightly tapping on my cheek,

"Nat can you hear me?" I hear Clint but he sounded far away,

I gasped awake,

"Easy, you were hit by some kind of tranq," He said

"She's alive," I said

I then realized I wasn't alone with him, it was Steve, Bucky, Clint Tony and Pietro,

"What are you talking about?" Bucky said crossing his arms,

"Hayden, she's alive, she's... she's the dark archer," I said

"Come on Nat, really Hayden was many things but a killer wasn't one of them," Tony said

"Look she used a move on me that I only taught her, no one else, it was her," I said

"Okay, If, very big if, what you are saying is true, what's her play, why kidnap a woman who made her life a living hell?" Bucky said

"I don't know but I did hear her say that this was only part 'A' to what she has in store," I said

"If this is really her, then she's completely lost it, why kill HYDRA agents, why go to all this trouble, what's her endgame?" Tony said

"I don't know but she's clearly not thinking straight," Clint said

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