Ch. 85 "Freezing"

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                                                 Hayden POV

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Hayden POV

Me Wanda, Pietro and Peter are walking around, it's freezing cold out, the lake and water are frozen as snow fell from the sky,

I talked to Clint last night, I didn't exactly tell him what went on in my dream, I just told him that it scared the hell out of me and that it was different from my usual nightmares,

"So what does he do he sneezes and there I am caught in a web like a fly caught in fly paper," Pietro said

I laughed

"Maybe keep your distance next time he sneezes," I said laughing,

"Oh believe me princess I do now," He said

We all started to laugh,

"Help! Somebody Help!" We hear we all look at each other,

We run towards the yelling,

there was a man unconscious in the middle of the giant lake,

Pietro went to run on the lake I stopped him by putting my palm on his chest,

"You run out there too fast you might go under," I said

"What do you suggest?" Wanda said

"I carefully go out there, one of you throw me a line," I said

"What about my power?" Wanda said

"There's no guarantee you won't drop him by accident," I said

"I go out there cautiously, step by step, and I'll yell for a line once I get there," I said

I pulled my bow out with my quiver,

"Where were you hiding that?" Peter said looking at me surprised,

"First thing Clint and Nat taught me come prepared," I said

"Be careful princess," Pietro said

I nodded,

I stepped lightly on the ice, I would tap my foot in front of me first to test the ice to see if it was too thin,

Once I got to the man I tied some rope around him then tied the other end to a arrow,

"Pietro catch!" I said pulling back on the bow and firing at him,

Pietro caught it with ease,

"Now slowly reel him in!" I yelled

The ice around him was cracked and brittle,

as they pulled it started to crack,

"Easy... easy," I said as I held up my hand,

They pulled slowly and as he got closer I felt the ice start to crack around me I didn't want to risk it breaking and pulling the man under,

I see they finally got him to solid ground just as I was about to step the sicking sound of the ice breaking, and cracking under my feet

I looked down, I knew what was happening before it happened, I looked up and made eye contact with Pietro, and that fast I went under the sound of water splashing echoed in my ears,

The sheer cold of ice water, it felt like a thousand needles piercing my skin,

"Hayden!" I hear from under the water but it was muffled

If I was not going to drown I had to think of a plan and quick, I never really was taught how to swim so I had to improvise, I swam as best as I could under the ice, as far as I could until I knew I was on the edge

I pulled out one of my exploding arrows, and jabbed it in the ice,

Pietro POV

Wanda was on the phone calling I don't know who I was running looking for her under the ice but I couldn't find her,

I was in full blown panic mode,

I shouldn't have let her go out on the ice without some form of protection,

Suddenly I hear something explode on the other side of the lake,

Hayden POV

The ice shattered, I crawled out of the small hole it made, and crawled to land and laid on my back breathing ragged, and shallow,

"Princess!" I hear

I slowly turn my head seeing Pietro he is kneeling in front of me,

He picked me up bridal style,

"I'm going to get you somewhere warm alright," He said

With that he took off in full speed, and I felt my head rest against his chest, and my eyes close I was just too cold and weak

One thing I did know is I hate freezing water,

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