Ch.31 "Mother like"

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                                                     Hayden POV 


It was dark you could hardly see the nose in front of your face, it was cold, you could see the fog from each breath you took, 

"Hello?" I said as I hugged myself trying to keep warm, 

"You think your safe you little brat," My father's voice boomed 

"You think Shield can keep us contained?" My mother said 

"It will only be a matter of time, and when we do escape we are coming for you, and you will be the cause for their demise," I light turned on it was bright I had to shield my eyes with my forearm 

when my eyes finally adjusted, I see all the avengers dead, blank eyes, 

"No," I said raspy 

"Yes, you will be the destruction of the Avengers," My father said 

                                                 End Nightmare

I gasped awake sweat falling down my face from the nightmare I ran out of the room down to the kitchen where the phone was, 

I called Fury, 

"Hello?" He sounded like he was half asleep, 

"Fury, are they still being held?" I asked in a panic 

"Hayden?" He asked confused 

"Yes, are they still there?" I asked panicking 

"Yes, they are still here," He said 

"Are you sure?" I asked 

"Hayden I'm looking at them through the glass, they are still cuffed and contained, they're not going anywhere," He reassured me, 

I paused, 

"Hayden I promise they are not going to escape," He said 

I chuckled 

"That's big thing to promise you can't really guarantee that," i said 

"I can, and I will," He said 

I sighed, 

"Thanks, for trying but thanks," I said hanging up, 

I ran my fingers through my hair, calming my little panic attack, stupid nightmares are making me paranoid and on edge, I thought 

"What was that about?" I hear 

I spin around to see Laura, she smiled I looked dumbfounded at how she sneaked up on me, 

"You look like you could use something warm to drink come," She said 

She walked towards the kitchen so I followed and sat at the table, 

She put some water in a kettle on the stove, 

"I heard you rush down the stairs I was in the Nathaniel's room, when I heard you," She said 

"Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to-" I said but not getting the words out, 

She shook her head as she smiled, 

"It's alright Hayden I understand," She said 

The tea kettle started whistling, 

She poured the boiling water in two coffee cups, butting honey and some cream in them, she handed me a cup, 

"Thank you," I said 

She sat across from me, 

"You know Hayden, I haven't know you very long but I can tell something is bothering you?" She said 

I looked at her shocked 

"You can talk to me," She said smiling at me kindly 

"You know a lot of people have been telling me that lately," I said chuckling 

"And what do you say to them?" She asked 

"Normally I would burst out in anger and storm off, but according to Clint bottling everything up isn't the best way," I said looking down at my cup, 

It was quiet for sometime, 

"Look I get it, I worry people for some reason or another," I said 

"But?" She said 

"But sometimes I just don't feel like I'm worth worrying about, you know because of where I come from," I said both my hands on the cup

"Hayden listen to me, it doesn't matter where you came from," She said 

I looked up at her, 

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret Hayden, Family isn't always blood, it's the people in your life who want you in theirs, the one's who accept you for who you are, the one's who would do anything to see you smile, who love you no matter what, no matter the flaws," She said placing a hand on top of mine, 

"That is what family is, it doesn't matter where you came from do you understand?" She said 

I was shocked at what she just said, 

I nodded, 

"That is why Clint brought you here, he told me what you went through, what your life was, I wanted him to bring you here so you could see for yourself not all families are full of hate," She said 

I just nodded, I didn't trust my voice, 

"And I want you to know we are here no matter what," She smiled 

"Thank you," I said finally speaking, 

"You don't know.. I mean-" I couldn't find the words, 

"I know," She said patting my hand, 

"And you are always welcome to stay here, Lila, and Cooper are a bit taken with you," She said chuckling 

I chuckled also, 

I finally finished the Tea she gave me, I stood up with the cup in my hands and took it to the sink, 

"Thank you," I said 

"Your welcome, Now go get some sleep," She said kissing my forehead, I stiffened at first but soon it just felt right, 

"I will, Goodnight Laura, and thank you," I said 

"Goodnight, sweetheart it's not a problem," She said smiling 

                                            Clint POV 

When I noticed Laura wasn't in bed I checked The nursery but then I heard talking, I heard Hayden talk to Laura like they were old friends, she got something out of Hayden that me and the Avengers couldn't in weeks, I watched as Hayden retreated into the bedroom, 

I walked to Laura, kissing her, 

"How do you do it?" I said impressed, 

"I guess it's the mother in me," She said chuckling, 

"Your amazing," I said hugging her, 

"Alright tough guy come on lets get some sleep you two have to leave early tomorrow remember," She said 

"I know," I said kissing her one more time before we both made our way to our bedroom

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