Ch. 22 "Sparing"

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                                                    Hayden POV 

"Ugh," I groaned as Nat knocked me to the ground for the hundredth time this morning, I don't know if she's being spiteful or what but it really is getting on my nerves, 

"Focus Hayden in order to defeat your opponent you can't give them the upper hand," She said 

"If I shoot them with an arrow, then they won't get the upper hand," I said standing up again, 

Let's just say I'm getting angry since she didn't even respond she just pinned me to the floor by the back of the neck, 

"This isn't a game! you need to be at your best other wise you will be dead!" She said 

I knocked her off of me, 

"Seriously! I was doing perfectly fine before any of you came along!" I said standing a mere feet away from her, 

"I remember recklessly endangering yourself just like last night," She said 

"Is that what this is about? really look I needed to clear my head so I decided to bash a few end of story!" I said angry 

"Yeah well that's not how we do things here," She said 

"Well if I recall I didn't exactly except being an avenger so I can do as I please," I said 

I punched she ducked I roadhouse kicked she caught it, 

"Well as long as you are here you follow the rules we set out for you, if we say your curfew is 8PM we expect to to come in that door at 7:30PM," Nat said dropping my foot, 

I punched again and again, she ducked and blocked 

"Then maybe I don't want to live here!" I said 

"Yes you do we all know you have no where to go," She said 

"I don't need this," I said about to leave but suddenly I'm tackled to the ground, and I grunted 

"You never turn your back to your enemy," She said 

I was getting really angry, 

"Get... off of me," I said in a low voice 

"Not until you explain why you are so angry all the time," She said 

"None of your business!" I said still struggling to get up 

I struggled until finally I got up, 

"You need to back off!" I said 

"Make me," She said 

"Tell me what is so terrible that has you so angry," Nat said 

"You really want to know!" I said 

"Yes!" She said ducking my kick 

I was in full blown rage, 

"Because it was the only way I could survive!" I said punching and kicking which she dodged 

"Anger was the only thing I had going for me!" I said punching again and she dodged 

"If I didn't have my anger I would be just this pathetic child who let herself be her parents punching bag!" I said kicking towards her, 

"Without anger I would be nothing! I wouldn't have survived! anger is the only thing that got me through all the years of pain! suffering! and everything else!" I said as I continued attacking Nat with my full blown rage 

                                                  Clint POV 

I watched the camera in the training room as Hayden spilled since what happened when she first exploded to us about everything, I knew this would work and it did, 

Poor Hayden her anger is the only thing holding her together, preventing her from falling apart, and We need her to let that anger go in order to move forward, 

sure she will fall apart at first but I'm going to be there to help her pick up the pieces, sure some people once broken can never be fixed, 

But others you can pick up the pieces and create something more beautiful than what was there before, and that's what I intend to do, I thought 

I got up from my chair and walked out to help Nat with Hayden 

                                    Hayden POV 

Just like last time I spilled everything, and just like last time I was so angry I shook, and just like last time... 

I felt Clint wrap his arms around me in a way I'm not so familiar with, it's wasn't threatening, it was calming? 

Clint always knew how to calm my anger I don't know how but he does, my head hung as his arms wrapped around me, 

"Just breathe Hayden, in through the nose out through the mouth," He said 

"Slow breaths," Nat said 

I did as they both instructed me to calm me down, I don't know what it is? what this feeling is with them around and keeping me out of trouble and helping me, but it was comforting something that is unfamiliar to me, 

"Your okay kid I've got you," Clint whispered 

All I did know is they cared, and that's something no in my entire life has given me, so maybe I can give this a chance, I thought 

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