Ch. 8 "Rage"

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                                                    Third Person POV 

"So what do we do?" Nat asked 

"Might I make a suggestion?" Tony said walking up to them 

"Sure?" Steve said 

"Kid is angry and tough right?" He said 

Everyone nodded 

"So we get through to her the only way we can," Tony said 

"And that is?" Clint said 

"By force and by force I mean her parents," Tony said 

"You're not suggesting we tell them?" Nat said crossing her arms 

"What? No, I am Tony Stark we just implant and idea in their head, like internship that will lead to scholarship," Tony said 

"Mm, That might work," Nat said smirking 

                                                      Hayden POV 

Freaking Avengers need to leave me the hell alone, 

I had my book bag slung over my shoulder, I walked in the door, I was prepared for another beating, instead of angry yelling I heard laughter, 

Okay either I got hit by a car and am in a coma or something isn't right here, I walked into the living room To see Tony Stark and Black widow but she was in regular clothes great, 

"Ah Hayden just in time," Tony said 

"What's going on?" I asked as my eyes darted to my parents to Tony and Natasha 

"Oh I was just telling your parents here how you were excepted into our program," Tony said 

"Program?" I said 

"Yeah, Internship at Stark tower or now it's Avengers tower," Tony said 

"We think it would be good for you," My mom said putting on her fake smile 

Oh great, the freaking avengers can't leave anything alone now I know I'm in for it, 

"Umm," I said 

"You're doing it," Dad said 

I just nodded, Not making eye contact with them and glaring at Tony and Natasha, 

"Great, why don't you come with us so we can show you around, then we'll have you back by dinner," Tony said 

"Sure," I said my voice sounding like venom 

I sat in the limo brewing, I was beyond angry, once we got to the floor where the avengers stay I spun around, 

"What the hell is wrong with you guys!" I said blowing up, 

"What don't like we went to mommy and daddy?" Tony 

I swear if I had laser vision I would have destroyed Tony with my glare

"Don't you dare say that again! you guys need to back the hell off!" I said pointing at him 

"Well how the hell else were we going to get through to you?" Natasha said 

"By leaving me the hell alone!" I said 

"Face it kid your a spoiled little girl who get what she wants from mommy and daddy," Tony said 

Pure rage flowed through my body because what he just said was beyond far from the truth, 

That quickly I knocked the back of his knees from under him and had him in a head lock, 

"Listen and listen closely, just because you've been in my house and dug into my life mean you know anything about me or my life, you ever say that again and I'll kill you myself," I said letting him go 

He gasped for air, 

All the avengers looked at me in shock I walked past each and everyone of them, and left, I needed to blow off steam and it wasn't dark out yet so I went to the gym to train, 

I didn't bother wrapping my hand because I was just filled with so much rage,

I punched the bag, and punched with all my might, sweat falling down my forehead, I felt my knuckle skin broken open as blood smeared with the bag, 

Who does he thin he is?! 

He has know idea what I go through on a daily basis! 

The pain I have to endure! 

"I said stop!" I felt someone grab my arm 

I went to punch them but they caught it, 

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said to Clint, 

"Keeping you out of trouble," He said 

He looked at my knuckled 

I pulled my hands away, 

"It's fine," I said 

"No those need to be cleaned," Clint said 

"Let's go," He said 

I didn't move 

"Now," He said sternly and I followed him

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