Ch. 10 "On Edge"

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Hayden POV

After that night, I got the snot beat out of me, my parents broke three of my ribs and I have a fractured tailbone,

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After that night, I got the snot beat out of me, my parents broke three of my ribs and I have a fractured tailbone,

They did the decent thing to take me to the hospital, but after I got released, I avoided everything, school, friends, even the avengers,

And when I did go to school I didn't even bother staying,

Right now I'm walking the streets, it's noon, I bought a little bit of weed from a friend, some times I do that to knock the edge off, and too scare my demons away, since it's still light out I can't exactly start beating on anyone,

I'm sitting on a bridge sitting indian style, I lit the joint, the beatings are getting worse, the punishments get worse,

Which results in me being even angrier at everything and everyone, when I was younger I used to think it was my fault, but now, now I just learned the world is just a dark cruel place,

No one is ever meant to be happy, people are no good, everyone is out to crush you, nothing ever good will ever happen,

The smoke exhales out of my mouth,

Then I hear someone land behind me, I don't bother looking,

"Hayden?" I hear

I know that voice Peter, sure he's a little older than me, and sure we never really talk, but he seems genially worried,

He sits next to me in his spiderman suit,

"Hayden where the hell have you been?" He said

"Don't know what you mean?" I said taking another puff,

"You have been missing for five days, no school, no avengers," He said

"Your point?" I said exhaling the smoke,

"We were worried," He said

"Be real Peter no one worries about me," I said getting down from the ledge stopping on the discarded joint,

"Yes we do," Peter said

"Look thank you for caring, but you and the Avengers just do the wold a favor and stay the hell out of my life," I said walking away,

Peter POV

I was now standing in front of the avengers telling them what Hayden said how she was acting and most importantly what she was doing,

"Something is eating at her," I said

They looked at me,

"How can you tell kid?" Tony said

"The look in her eyes," I said

"Not just that, she had a black eye and I doubt she's carless enough to let an enemy get that close with arrows," I said

"We'll check it out and track her down," Nat said motioning to Clint who nodded

Hayden POV

The sun was just starting to set, as I walked down the abandoned street, no cars, no people, sure not showing up home for a few days is going to cost me, but at least my bones are healing due to it,

I climbed the locked fence, into the abandoned warehouse, I walked in changing into my attire, my bow, my quiver full of arrows,

Even though I have a few broken ribs and a fractured tailbone, doesn't mean I can't fight, once I got done and walked out, I see that the sun is fully set, and the sky is dark,

I climbed back over the fence, even though I'm in pain, I ignore it, I've come accustom to pain, since my parents do it on a daily basis,

I'm currently perched on one of the tall buildings when I hear a woman scream, I see a man pinning her against a brick wall, with a knife,

I pull back my bow, and zip line down to the ground, I knock the man to the ground,

"Run," I said to the woman,

She did as she was told,

"You like creating pain?" I said

The man looked shocked since I'm quite petite,

"How about I show you a thing or two about pain," I said

The rain poured hard making my hair stick to my forehead, making my body cold from the freezing rain but I didn't care, I needed this, I needed to let out all my pent up anger, all the hurt, all the betrayal, all the pain, I needed to let it out on something, and sadly for this guy he was it,

After walking away from the now beat to a pulp man, blood covered my knuckles, not just his blood but mine as well, opening the skin on my knuckles,

The rain continued to pour, every now and again light from the lightning would light the sky, this is why I need to be left alone, the anger that consumes me it's uncontrollable,

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts I didn't notice the two sets of footsteps behind me,

"Hayden," Nat's voice said

I didn't answer I just kept walking, I don't need help, I don't need anyone but myself,

"Hayden" I heard Clint this time,

I just need to survive,

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder,

That quickly I spun around trying to punch whoever touched me, but someone caught my fist,

I see Clint and Nat,

"Kid where the hell have you been?" Clint said sounding concerned

"No where that concerns you," I said

"It does concern us," Nat said

I just rolled my eyes about to walk away,

"Were not done," Nat said grabbing my wrist,

"Where have you been?" She said sternly

"Why do you even care? your not my parents," I said glaring at them,

"No, but were close enough, since you've been missing for five days and they didn't so much as fill out a missing person report," Clint said

"They know I come back," I said sadly and start walking

"What's that supposed to mean, you've done this before?" Clint asked

I just ignore them,

Nat grabbed my right arm and Clint grabbed my left,

"Lets go," Nat said

"No thanks," I said bitterly

"I wasn't asking," She said with a bit of anger

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