Ch. 33 "Exhausted"

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                                             Hayden POV 

It has been a few days since we came back to the tower, and lately I've been... how do I put this exhausted, 

The nightmares, reliving every painful thing my parents put me through, the fear, the sheer horror of everything they've done to me, 

I was currently on the roof of the tower, It was sunrise, 

Watching the sky, the stars, the sun, the moon, always brought me some form of comfort, but today, something is different, 

I just can't relax, the nightmares just don't stop, reliving every sheer nightmare of my past, just makes me itch for some pot relief, I thought 

But if I would do that and the team would find out, it wouldn't end well, I know that for a fact ever since I've met them, always putting their foot down, telling me my behavior is not to be tolerated, yada, yada, yada 

I finally got up to walk back down, and caught myself on the railing, feeling a dizzy spell, 

"So tired," I mumbled 

I shook it off and started walking down the stairs, into the kitchen, 

I looked around making sure no one was around and started some coffee, 

You see they won't let me have coffee, because and I quote 

'Oh no shorty no coffee for you this is an adult drink and you need to grow' Tony says every time, I thought 

I just roll my eyes, I pour myself a cup, I walk over to the balcony as I drank the coffee, 

"I don't think you should be drinking that," I hear next to me 

I look to see Peter 

I just shrugged, 

"What are you doing here so Early?" i asked 

"MR Stark said he wanted me here early for something," He said 

I nodded, I finished the Coffee just in time for Clint and Nat to walk in, 

"Kid do you ever sleep?" Nat asked 

I just shrugged, 

"Do you ever stop worrying?" I asked 

"touché," She said smirking 

Not long after Bucky and Steve walked in, 

"Hey kid you ready for some more training?" Bucky said 

"I have a feeling if I said no, I still would have to train anyway," I said 

Everyone chuckled

"Alright come on," Bucky said wrapping his arm around me, 

"Joy," I said as we walked 

Me and Bucky were in the training area, 


I groaned as Bucky pinned me to the ground yet again, 

"Come on Hayden I know it's been a while, but you being sloppy," Bucky said 

I stood up, 

I punched kicked, Bucky dodged and ducked 


Bucky pinned me to the ground yet again, 

That is how my morning went, 

I was now walking down the hallway with Bucky, 

"You sure your alright?" He asked 

I looked at him, 

"Your sloppy even for you," He said 

I just nodded, 

"Yeah.." Just as I began to talk everything started spinning

My eyes started blinking rapidly, Bucky's voice sounded like it was in a tunnel,  and I felt myself falling before I even know what the hell was happening 

                                           Bucky POV 

Hayden started talking but before I knew it she was collapsing, I caught her just before she hit the ground, 

"Hayden!" I shook her while she was in my arms trying to get her to open her eyes, 

I picked her up bridal style, 

"FRIDAY get me Bruce and Clint now! tell them to meet me in the lab!" I said running with her in my arms,

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