Ch. 88 "Festival"

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                                                    Hayden POV 

It was a little past midnight, everyone was in bed, I was in the bathroom brushing my long sandy blonde hair, 

That is when there was a knock on my door, 

"Who could that be at this time.." I mumbled 

I walked over to the door opening it, 

"Hello princess," Pietro said walking past me into my room, 

"Well come in why don't you," I said sarcastically 

"Don't mind if I do," He said sarcastically 

He sat on my bed, 

"So are you doing anything?" He asked 

I arched my brow, 

"Right now?" I said 

"Yes, right now," He said in his accent which by the way sends shivers down my spine, 

"No, most people would be asleep," I said chuckling 

"Well as I keep finding out you are not like most people princess, so what do you say?' He said standing up, towering over me since I'm a bit shorter than him, 

"Ah why not, let me just get my shoes on," I said 

"Take your time princess," He said 

I was in the closet putting my shoes on, 

"So where are we going?' I asked 

"It's a secret but your going to love it," He said 

I walked out of the giant closet, 

"Shall we," He said holding out his hand, 

I chuckled 

"We shall," I said taking his hand, our fingers laced together, 

We walked out of the tower, after a bunch of very bad jokes which were so bad that they still made me laugh we come to some kind of festival, 

Lights were light up all over different kind of colors, banners and stands everywhere, 

"What's this place?" i asked 

"It's the Easter festival, where you can try all sorts of sugary pastries, sweets and etc." He said 

"Hmm, didn't even know this was here," I said looking around with such interest,

"I can tell by your baffled expression princess," He said chuckling 

I smirked at him, 

"Oh do you?" I said 

He nodded 

"They also have some rides," He said 

"Like a carnival?" I asked 

"A little different," He said 

"If they have rides and games it's a carnival," I said 

"Not necessarily princess, do carnivals let you try all sorts of food at no cost?" He said 

"Well.. No," I said 

"Then it is no Carnival, come let us try this one first," Pietro said guiding me to one of the stands, 

He handed me a very decorated cupcake,

"Cheers," He said tapping his cupcake against mine, 

"Cheers," I said smirking 

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