Ch. 86 "Passion"

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                                              Pietro POV 

I ran to the tower knowing she fell asleep and that's the last thing she should do, I got to the lab where Bruce and the others were already waiting, 

"Here, Here lay her on the table," Bruce said in a panicked voice 

"What the hell happened?" Clint said not very happy 

So I explained everything that happened that she volunteered to go on the ice knowing full well that she was the lightest, 

"I shouldn't have let her go out there this is all my fault," I said running my fingers through my hair, 

"It's not your fault," Nat said 

"Hayden made her decision," Clint said 

"But I should have been able to stop this," I said 

"Everyone out, I need to get her-" Bruce said 

Then the machine flat lined 

"No!" Me and Clint yelled 

"Out, Out now we need to work," Tony said pushing us all out of the room, 

                                  Tony POV 

"Tony give me a hand," Bruce said 

I nodded wheeling the defibrillators over to him, 

"Sorry kid but I have to," I said 

I cut her shirt open so Bruce could place the paddles on her skin to jump start her heart, 

I put the gel on the paddles, 

"Clear!" Bruce said 

Her body jolted up as he placed the paddles on her skin, 

She was still flat lining, 

"Clear!" Bruce said hitting her again, 

again nothing, 

"Clear!" Bruce said 

he went to hit her a fourth time but the heart monitor started beeping, slowly, 

"Oh thank god," I said 

"We need to warm her up," Bruce said covering her with blankets, 

I nodded 

                                          Pietro POV 

I paced back and forth outside of the room, 

"Kid sit down your making me anxious," Bucky said 

"But what if-" I said looking at them 

Clint looking at me like he was studying me, 

"Look I'm just as worried as you, but if I learned anything Hayden is a fighter she doesn't give up easy she's not going to let a little ice water defeat her," Clint said 

                                          Hayden POV 

Beep....Beep.... Beep... 

You know I'm starting to get used to that sound every time I do something reckless and wake up,  my eyelids slowly flutter open, 

A blinding light hurt my eyes, 

I had to blink a few times, I looked to my right to see Bucky, Steve and Nat asleep on chairs and a love seat, 

To my Left, is Wanda Pietro, Peter and Clint, 

I was looking at Clint's face even though he was asleep you could tell he was worried, I guess I'm a constant worry on him, 

Maybe I should stop being a Avenger all together, when It was just me, I wasn't so reckless sure I took my anger on thugs but I wasn't constantly getting injured or falling through ice, 

But then again I was in so much pain from my parents that I hardly felt anything anymore, I thought 

I see Pietro look up, 

His eyes widen but I put my finger to my lips, 

He nodded, 

"You had me scared princess," He whispered, 

"I'm sorry," I said quietly 

I looked down, 

"What is it?" He asked 

"I think I should take a break from the Avengers," I whispered 

His eyes widen, 

"What makes you say that?" He asked 

"If my math is correct this would be the third injury this month," I said sadly 

"I just can't keep being a constant worry on him," I said looking at Clint, 

"That's the job princess," Pietro said 

"I know, but I just can't keep doing this to him, you funny thing is when- before I met any of you, especially Clint and Laura I didn't really care if I got hurt or killed," I said 

I chuckled a little, 

"But now.. I just can't bear the thought of it, dying without one last touch, hug, goodbye I know it sounds silly," I said closing my eyes as I smiled a little bit, 

"Not at all princess," Pietro said holding my cold hand in his warm hand, 

"That thought is what keeps a lot of us going," He said 

"And I just can't imagine never seeing you again," Pietro said placing the palm of his hand gently on my cheek, 

His blue eyes looking deeply into mine, 

He stood up, gently leaning over the bed, and before I knew what was happening his gentle soft lips connected with mine, 

My first Kiss, 

It was filled with such passion, and fulfillment it was soft and gentle and yet it kept me wanting more, 

But one thing I did know now that this happened there is no going back from here, I thought 

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