Ch. 103 "Never giving up"

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                                             Hayden POV 

I stared at the ceiling of this cell, I was laying on the bed, I was bored, but I guess that's a good thing, 

If I'm bored and locked up like this, I can't go on a rampage trying to take vengeance, trying to hurt people, 

I had my hands linked behind my head, my Foot was braced on the bed as my knee was bent, my other leg crossed over my opposite thigh, as my foot bounced, 

I do miss training though, you know the one thing that helps with my spiraling emotions, 

I hear someone clear their throat, 

I see him, 

"Dad," I said 

I stood up, I walked over to the glass of the cell, 

"Should you really be here?" I asked 

"What don't want to see me?' He said smirking, 

"Not that, I just don't want you to see me in a cage," I said 

"Hayden this wasn't your fault, you were poisoned," He said 

"I know.. but was it all the poison?" I said looking at him, 

"I've held so much anger towards them, I mean look at how we met, I right hooked you, I had that pent up anger for a reason... but this," I said 

"It's understandable," He said 

I was so angry, that I felt tears welling up in my eyes, 

"You don't get it do you, not only did I hate them, but I wanted them gone, I wanted to kill them," I said 

"It was the toxin," Clint said 

"Was it? Look at everything they've done to me dad, what possible reason would I want them alive for? I deliberately broke them out, took them, tortured them, I was even willing to take you guys down just to take them out," I said 

"That wasn't you," He said 

That's when I broke, 

"How? How can you still possibly trust me? after everything I've done," I said shaking my head, 

"After what I did, how can you still trust me, I don't trust me, how can you, How?" I said as I felt tears falling down my cheek, 

"Because you may act angry, even stubborn, But I know you Hayden, Your a kid who had to grow up way to early, a kid who hurts more than most people ever feel in their life time, and I have seen that since the very beginning now matter how much you tried to hid it," He said 

"And I love you Hayden and I'm not giving up on you, even when you give up on yourself, I'm never giving up on you, you are my daughter, and I'm not walking away," He said 

"How can you?" I said 

"After-" I said 

"After everything we've been through, how can you still doubt me?" He said smirking, 

He placed his hand on the glass, 

I chuckled as I sniffled, I placed my hand on the glass with his hand, 

"Just hold on for me, were going to find the cure, can you do that for me?" He said 

I closed my eyes as the tears rolled down my cheeks and nodded, 

"That's my girl, I will get you out of here, I promise, you just have to wait for me okay?' He said 

I nodded, 

"Okay..." I said 

He nodded 

He went to walk away, his back was to me, 

(Song is playing in the background for effect)

"Dad?" I said 

He looked over his shoulder, 

"Thank you.." I said 

He smiled over his shoulder, 

"I'll be back for you, I promise," He said 

I nodded with that he walked out of the room, 

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