(#72) A New Couple

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"Caylin, what is the matter that you wanted to talk with me about?" I asked.

"It's... uh... I will tell after a while." Caylin said as we walked through the city, bustling with the kid's noises as they were playing around, the women bargaining, and the shopkeepers in a competition to see whose voice is louder.

Caylin, today morning, said that he wanted to have an important talk with me. And I arranged it to be in the afternoon, at the city square.

Apparently, Caylin hadn't spoken a thing of use since we have started walking.

"Ah! I wanted to tell you something." I said to Caylin.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Lindon- I mean the Crown Prince woke up," I said.

"I predicted it," Caylin said.

"Really? Then why didn't you..?" I asked.

"Well, that was because, you see the Crown Prince is a healthy person, one of the healthiest people I have ever seen in fact," Caylin said.

"And I also thought that he will wake up in a day, but since he was a sick person since the start, I had my doubts. That's what I didn't tell you anything.

Also, if I tell you that he would wake in a day and he doesn't, won't it disappoint you, people? Better to be surprised with happiness rather than be disappointed, right?" Caylin said.

"Yes, true," I said, nodding with a smile.

"So, what is it?" I asked.

"Huh?" Caylin became confused.

"You forget the reason why we even scheduled for this walk?" I asked.

"That... I... I actually don't know how to put it." Caylin said, blushing.

"Is it a girl?" I asked.

"Why did you ask so?" I asked.

"It is just... your face," I said.

"Well, not exactly, but not exactly wrong either," Caylin said.

"Oh, then what is it?" I asked.

"You see, I and Rais did not actually cut off our touch. Well, we were, but then recently, we kind of reunited and we had kept on exchanging letters since then, keeping each other notified of our whereabouts and whatnot." Caylin said.

"Alright..." I said.

"You are not shocked," Caylin said.

"You are." I said.

"Because you aren't." He said.

"It is not very shocking, but," I said.

"But?" He asked.

"That but was for you to continue," I said.

"Oh." He said and kept quiet.

Then it hit me.

Well, not exactly, but not exactly wrong either.

"You... you and Rais... have a..." I asked, shocked.

"Please, don't judge us." He said, cooping his hands in front of me

"I... I am not going to judge. I am just shocked. But... this, is too shocking. You need to give me a moment to digest the fact." I said.

"A moment? I can give you my whole lifetime-" I cut him off when he reached.

"Save that for Rais" I injected.

"-If you will accept us." He said and smiled at what I said.

"Thanks a lot." He said.

"Why? I didn't do anything." I said.

"You accepting us is enough for us," Caylin said.

"What are you talking about? The moment Rais joined the Squad, he became a member of our family. Plus, through Belle, he became my brother. And you cannot just kick out family, Caylin. That is why they are family." I said.

"You don't know how much hard it was for me and Rais these days. We felt like we were on our last days. You don't know how happy Rais is going to be when he hears the news." Caylin said.

"It is good that he feels that way. You people can always-" I was cut off y myself.

I suddenly felt lightheaded and the world just began to spin. As I looked at Caylin, it felt as if the whole world was revolving around me, in a very slow manner.

Suddenly, I felt some coldness on my face and woke up.

When did I fall asleep? I don't know.

"Caylin?" I called out the only one familiar from the group of people I am unfamiliar with.

"My Lady, what happened?" Caylin asked.

"Seriously Caylin, is this something that a Doctor should ask?" I asked and he smiled sheepishly.

"Are you alright, Young Lady?" An old woman asked me.

"Yes, I am fine. You don't need to worry, Respected Lady. I was a sick child since birth, and now also, I am. I guess I have been forgetting to take my medications lately." I said.

"Oh, you gave me a fright, Young Lady," Grandma said, sighing with relief.

"I am sorry to have worried you, Respected Lady," I said and Caylin helped me stand up.

"Then, we will be on our way. Thank you for helping me." I said, bowing.

"Young man, please buy something to eat for your wife." The Old Woman said.

"You-" Caylin began to say, but I stopped him.

"We will be taking our leave then," I said and bowed and started leaving, with Caylin following me.

"Why didn't you correct them?" Caylin asked.

"If we start explaining, then they will have more questions, which will lead us to waste our entire day. And we also have to relay the good news to Rais." I said.

"Yes, very true," Caylin said.

"Ana, there is an important thing I need to tell you," Caylin said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I found it when I checked your pulse. It is... about your health." Caylin said. 


Special Note For Readers

So, readers, I am officially announcing the third part story. Hold onto your steering well, cause it is going to be one hell of a ride. 

(And if you don't follow me, you are going to crash!!! Just kidding😉😁)

If you have any questions, don't feel bothered to ask.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow.

So, till next time, 

Je vous aimez💕💕

Last updated on 23/01/2021

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