thirty one

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"Paul!" Sam roared as we walked into his house and into the kitchen, "get your ass down here in 10 seconds or you're running doubles!"

I heard feet pounding through hallways before Sam even started counting. "One"

The door to a room across the house slammed open, "two"

A picture frame fell off the wall and the glass shattered, "three"

A large thud on the ground caused the boys to laugh, "four"

The footsteps stumbled as they got going again, "five"

A table was heard scraping across the wood floor, "six"

Paul's head turned around the corner in the living room, "seven"

Embry tried to block his path but Paul shoved him aside, "eight"

Paul fumbled with a chair, "nine"

Paul sat down next to me, "ten"

"Did you trip in the hallway?" Seth asked him, trying to contain his laughter

"I don't think you would want to run doubles would you? I sure don't" Paul shot at him, scowling.

"Enough, pups-" Paul growled, "Paul, you need to explain everything!" Sam demanded

"Where do I start?" Paul asked

"Maybe when you almost killed my little sister? There's already been one tragic phasing accident in this pack, we don't need another" Embry piped up

"Embry-" Emily started

"No! He could have killed her! He's lucky that Seth was able to get her out of there without a scratch!" Embry yelled

"I'm sorry, ok? You'll feel the exact same way when you imprint" Paul whispered, barely audible

"He's right Embry, everything changes when you imprint. Paul finding out what happened to her set him off, and she was just too close for our comfort" Sam said using his indoor voice like a teacher

"What's an imprint?" I asked, breaking up their conversation about me that didn't include me

"Embry, I tried to control it, I tried so hard, I just couldn't" Paul quietly said

"Yeah whatever, just tell her what's going on" Embry snapped

"Please, Paul, I'm so confused, I need to know" I told him, putting my hand in his outstretched one under the table to show my support.

He smiled slightly at me, "Serena you're my imprint, and hearing what your fake mom did to you made me snap. The thought of someone else hurting you set me off, and I almost hurt you myself"

"It's ok" I smiled

"No! It's not ok! I just got you back! I'm not letting some oaf put you in danger!" Embry shouted

"Embry you're on runs now" Sam commanded in a big voice

"That's not fair!" Embry yelled

"Go!" Sam demanded and Embry got up, shoving his chair back and storming out of the house, making sure to slam the back door on his way.

"As I was saying, you're my imprint-"

"What's an imprint?" I asked, cutting Paul off

"An imprint, is like a soulmate. You're made for each other. As soon as I looked into your eyes the day you showed up to my house my entire life direction changed, I didn't want to be the player anymore, I wanted to be with you"


"When you told me about what that old hag did, the only thing on my mind was to kill her for hurting you, I wanted to kill her so badly, but I couldn't, it's not right"

"And killing all these vampires is?" I questioned

"That's different-"

"How is it different? They're still human"

"They're not human anymore, Serena"

"Would you kill me too if I was one of them?"


"Would you kill me if I was some blood sucking leech?"

"No, I couldn't"

"Why not?"

"Because you're my soul mate! I'm supposed to protect you! And if I ever let that happen to you, I would kill myself first" Paul told me and Emily gasped

"Paul!" Emily exclaimed

"It's the truth, you've already gotten hurt since I met you and I'm not letting it happen again" Paul said

"I think that's enough for today" Sam said, noticing me still trying to process everything

"Let's get you home, Serena" Emily said, leading me to the door after I stood up

"I'll come with!" Paul quickly said

"No, you and Jared go relieve Embry. Let Serena just think for the night. You'll see her tomorrow" Sam said and Paul nodded with a frown on his face.

I got into Sams truck slowly, and watched as Paul and Jared phased into their wolves before taking off into the forest, the one with the silvery looking coat giving me one last look before sprinting away.


Hey:) I texted

Hey Le, what's up?

Do you wanna go hang out?

Yes! Where?

We could go see a movie or something?

Really?! There's this one I've really been wanting to see!

What is it?

It's a romance but you'll love it! It's about a girl who thought she was into guys but is actually into other girls. Just like us!

Of course we can go see it Lib, I'll pick you up in 20

"Who are you texting Leah?" Seth asked, looking over my shoulder, "is it your girlfriend Liberty?"

"She's not my girlfriend! And yes it's Liberty, we're going to see a movie" I snapped at him, hiding my phone screen from his view

"A movie about a girl falling in love with a girl, just like us!" Seth mocked

"Shut up you waste of space!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him, "stay out of my business!"

I stormed out of the house and to my new car to go and pick Liberty up without even looking at Seth. 

"I'm sorry" I heard Seth say with my enhanced hearing before I whipped out of the driveway and down the street.

My emotions were swirling, I was angry for him mocking my imprint but also regretting the fact that I yelled at him because the last words I said to my dad was me yelling at him.


A tear slipped out of my eye as Leah turned around and stormed out of the house. I hadn't meant to hurt her feelings but I guess I did.

"Hey what's up Sethy poo?" Kim asked after answering her phone when I called her

"Can you come over to hang out? I need someone to talk too" I replied with sadness lacing my words

"Yeah, let me ask Jared if he wants to come with-"

"No! Just you! I don't want the guys to make fun of me" I cried

"I'll be over in a few, ok?"

"Ok, thanks Kim" I said hanging up.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now