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We waited impatiently at the Cullen's mansion while Serena wandered the woods alone. Paul got here fifteen minutes ago. We were going to pull her out of there in twenty minutes. Time was ticking down slowly as we waited for any signal from Edward, who had been watching her the entire time. Creepy, but needed.

Embry was pacing uncontrollably next to me, "Guys, I think we need to go get Serena now. This is starting ti freak me out"

"Give it time, Embry, Luke needs to make sure this isn't a set up so it's going to take a little while" Carlisle, always the voice of reason, explained and Embry nodded, agreeing with the leech.

"What if she gets hurt! She doesn't know the area an its pouring and its dark!" Paul came to the realization, eyes widening.

"She's fallen a few times" Edward chimed in, sounding distant, "she rolled down a hill and has a few scrapes but other than that she's ok"

"We should have done it in an area she knows" Paul whined.

"That would be too obvious, He would know it was a set up as soon as she stepped foot in the trees" I told Paul. A howl from Jared caused the three of us to stop everything we were doing, "they've got the friend on the run, it shouldn't be long now"

Paul began to stress out even more, causing Embry to start pacing again. "Calm down, you don't see me stressing about this-"

"She's in!"  Edward exclaimed

"Aw crap"


Sam began to stress even more than Paul was, and that's saying something. "Where is she?" I asked

"About half a mile into the woods where Paul left her. She's laying on the ground next to a big bush. Go quick, she's bleeding and defenseless and probably going to start developing hypothermia" Edward barely finished before the three of us were sprinting into the woods.

How fast can we get there? I asked Pal as he led the way to where Serena was, all by herself.

Ten minute drive, so probably in three He replied, pushing to run faster.

As we came up on the area the three of us split to search the perimeter. The rain was blocking her scent so we had to do this the old fashioned way. Have you got the ally yet? Sam asked the group chasing the rando and we got a look from Quil.

Close, but he's using the weather to his advantage Quil told us.

I found her Paul called out, summoning Sam and I to where he was with a short howl.


There she was, covered in mud, sticks, and leaves with tears still streaming down her face. She was laying in a giant puddle of mud and water, her face almost in the water. I used my paw to turn her face to prevent any accidents from happening, the lowered myself on top of her to keep her warm while I waited for Embry and Sam to get here.

She was pale and shivering. No doubt having minor hypothermia like Edward said she might have. Once again, her eyes remained open, creepier now that I was experiencing it first hand. I listened as her heart rate increased, Luke was scaring her. 

Sam and Embry were quick to reach us, both skidding to a stop infant of me, eyes frantically searching for their baby sister. I stood and moved away from her, letting both of them get a glimpse of her. She began to shiver frantically as soon as I left, showing that I was at least helping a little bit.

Embry, you run ahead and get the Cullens to run a warm bath so we can get her cleaned up. I'll get Emily so she can help. Paul, you're going to have to carry her back, there's no way she'll be able to stay on you back if you ran now. Sam commanded and the three of us got to work quickly. Embry shot off back in the direction of the Cullen's house while I phased back, grabbing the pair of shorts that I had dropped once I found her. After I had her in my arms, Sam took off towards his house to get Emily, leaving me to run back to the Cullens with Serena in my arms.


"My, my, look at you," Luke purred at me, dropping down in front of me, "All alone and covered in muck. Tell me, Re, why are in the woods all by yourself? Don't you usually have a babysitter with you all the time?"

Words didn't form, apparently a universal trait of 'the well,' and he laughed at me. "Poor little Re, all alone and heartbroken. Riddle me this, Re, what do you think your beloved imprint is doing right now? Certainly not looking for you, that's for sure. I recall him calling up someone by the name of Mallory as he left you standing there in the rain, all by yourself"

My heart broke even more. Paul had mentioned Mallory a few times. They were on again off again, and were in one of the off stages when we met. I didn't want to believe Luke, but part of me did. It was all too accurate for him to be making these things up, especially since there was no reason for Luke to have any idea who Mallory was.

"Oh no, did your little heart break again?" he reached for my face and I was frozen in place, unable to get out of his hold, "I can make it feel better for you. All you have to do is let me have one little taste of that sweet, sweet blood of yours. Just one little bite and you'll be all mine, forever." he brought his face directly next to mine and licked the cut on my face, "of course, it's not possible to do while in the well, and it would be so much sweeter to do after you've phased into your wolf form"

He backed away and observed me for a minute before continuing, "it will hurt you a lot more once you're a wolf, but your little pack needs to feel the pain of having one of their members ripped away from them just. like. that."

He turned away and began to disappear into the trees, vanishing from my field of view, "until we meet again, my sweet little bloodsinger."

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt