seventy five

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After I got back from Sam and Emily's house I went straight to bed, barely even bothering to shower. By the time I got out, Embry was already hoisting himself out of the window to go on patrol, Jake replacing him. "Hey Jake, stuck with me tonight?"

"Yeah, just until Embry gets back since Paul is still hurt" he replied, settling into the desk chair

"You're gonna sit there all night? You look exhausted"

"I am exhausted, all this Luke and Victoria drama has been running us so thin it's like I can see my rib cage"

"Go lay down then, take a nap until Embry gets back"

"There's no way I'm sleeping in Embry's bed, he's nasty" I glared at him and he shrugged his shoulders, "ok, he's not nasty, it's just weird"

"I mean, you could always lay with me if you want? It's not like you haven't before"

"Isn't that Paul's unofficial spot now?"

"No, besides, I can hear a storm coming and I'm still not able to fall asleep during them. Not after what happened to Paul"

Saturday rolled around quickly, and I found myself standing in the Clearwaters living room as Sue took countless pictures of us using her new disposable camera. "Leah, get a picture with your brother and Serena please!"

"Mom! Liberty and I have plans 10 minutes ago! Can we please get this over with?" Leah whined, looking stressed. Seconds later, there was a knock on the door, "that's her, we took so long so she's coming in. Be normal, I'm looking at you Seth"

Leah ran to the entryway and opened the door, and I heard all of their conversation. "I'm sorry it's taking so long, my brother and his friend are going to the dance tonight and my mom is freaking out about getting pictures from every angle possible" Leah said quietly

"That's ok! It gives me an excuse to finally meet your family!" The girl from the diner said. After that, footsteps were heard waking to the living room, bringing Leah and Liberty with them.

"Hi Mrs. Clearwater! I'm Liberty! Leah's girlfriend!" Liberty exclaimed and Leah's eyes widened

"I didn't know you guys were finally dating!" Seth exclaimed

"Neither did I" Leah mumbled, looking shocked

"Oh yeah, Leah, wanna make it official?" Liberty asked and Leah nodded

"That's great! It's nice to finally meet you! Leah talks about you all the time!" Sue exclaimed. "Why don't you get in a picture with Serena and Seth! Leah you too!"

15 minutes later, Seth and I were being dropped off at the school for the dance. We were late since there were so many pictures taken, but at least we weren't here early as the first ones. That would be way too awkward.

It was safe to say that coming with Seth was the right choice. If I had gone with Bailey and Birkley, I wouldn't be having anywhere near this much fun. Seth was the life of the party, and everyone knew it.

We went from jumping around during the fast songs to ballroom dancing during the slow ones, other students feeding off our energy. That was until Seth saw someone from across the room while we were slow dancing normally.

"I just imprinted" he whispered, looking at me with a huge look of shock.

"On who? Do I know her?" I asked

"Her name is Nova Zimmerman, she just moved here this week. I didn't think she was coming to the dance"

He discretely pointed at a girl across the gym who was standing all by herself. It looked as if she came alone. "Go ask her to dance, she looks lonely" I encouraged her

"No, I couldn't. I've never even talked to her before. What would I even say?"

"Are you, Seth Clearwater, king of making new friends, scared?" I teased him and he frowned at me. 

"You're right, I should go talk to her. Are you sure you'll be ok alone?" He asked me

"I'll be fine, Seth, go talk to your imprint before someone else swoops her away"

Seth ran off across the gym and up to Nova, who looked relieved to have someone to talk to. After making sure that Seth could handle himself, I went and stood towards the edge of the gym so I wasn't in anyone's way, making sure I could see Seth. Even if he had a new date, he was still my ride and I needed to make sure he didn't leave without me.

The next song to play was a nice slow song, one that Emily said was going to be her and Sam's first dance at their wedding. "This one is for all the couples out there" the dj said, and the floor flooded with pairs of people.

I watched on with a smile as I saw Seth and Nova move to dance together. I was acting like a proud mother, but in a way I was since I encouraged him.

A light tap on my shoulder distracted me, and I tore my eyes off the pair I had been watching for the last 15 minutes. "May I have this dance?" A familiar voice asked. I whipped around, a huge smile plastered onto my face. 

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting!" I exclaimed

"I couldn't let my girlfriend be alone at her first school dance" Paul grinned, leading me out to the center of the gym.

"I wasn't alone, I came with Seth. We took pictures beforehand!"

"It looks like Seth's a little preoccupied with his imprint"

"How did you know about that?" I asked, curiously.

"He texted in the group chat, kid couldn't even wait to get home to tell everyone"

"He's excited. I'm happy for him. He deserves someone nice"

"So do you, you deserve the world, Serena"

"That's why I have you" I said, laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around him even tighter than before.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora