seventy six

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Paul and I danced together all night, only stopping periodically to let him rest. Although he had super healing, he was still sore for his leg being crushed last week. When it came time for the dance to end, there was only a handful of people left, Seth and Nova included. Like Paul and I, they had also been dancing all night. It seems like Nova would be let in on the secret very quickly based on how it went tonight.

"Come on, dates not over yet" Paul whispered into my ear, guiding me out of the gym and eventually to his truck.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I buckled my seatbelt, only to be met with his signature smirk. 

Ten minutes later Paul was pulling the truck off the road and onto a narrow path through the woods. Sensing my hesitation, Paul reached for my hand. "Don't worry, Jared and Sam are in the area in case Luke and his new friend want to try anything. 

Eventually, Paul stopped driving and got out of the car, "Stay here until I come get you." I felt him get in the bed, and watched out the back window as he shuffled stuff around. "Come on!" he said, pulling me out of the truck. 

We walked around the back of the truck and I saw the bed full of blankets and pillows. It honestly looked comfier than my bed at home. "Stargazing?" I asked

"Stargazing" he replied, hoisting me into the bed of the truck, following behind me once I was settled.

We laid together looking at the stars for at least an hour before Paul turned to face me. The entire time, no words were said, which made me think he may have fallen asleep. He pressed a kiss to my lips, pulling me closer to him. He quickly tried to take it further, pulling me under him and slipping his hand under my dress onto my leg.

"Paul, stop" I said, trying to push him off of me. Paul, however, persisted and only tried harder.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed, but there was no luck. His hand slid further up my dress and I began to lose it. "Paul! I'm not ready! Stop! Sam!"

Jared and Sam quickly pulled Paul off of me and shoved him to the ground. I scooted to the corner of the truck and covered myself with a blanket. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" Sam screamed at Paul, throwing him back on the ground when he tried to get up.

"She is my problem! Not putting out!" Paul growled and my heart broke. This wasn't the Paul I knew. This was the Paul I had heard stories of from before I met him.

"What the hell, Paul! You sound like your old self!" Jared exclaimed, "What the hell has gotten into you!"

"Nothing has gotten into me except who I really am supposed to be" Paul growled. He didn't even sound like himself.

"Sam, I want to go home" I whispered, catching all of their attention, "as far away from him as possible please"

"Oh, yeah! Go home and sleep around with all your brothers friends!" Paul yelled and Jared went to go punch him, but he stopped.

"Dude! What the hell is wrong with your eyes!" Jared exclaimed.

"Nothing you man whore!" Paul yelled back, and Jared finally let the punch fly.

"Ow dude! What the hell was that for!" Paul yelled.

"What do you mean what the hell? You've been trash talking Serena all night! You were close to sleeping with her without her consent!" Sam screamed

"What? No! I would never do that! The last thing I remember is helping her get into the back of the truck!" Paul said

"Well you did" I said, "Can we go now?"

"Yeah, just a second. I'll go phase" Sam said

"Wait! No! I didn't do anything! I promise!" Paul pleaded.

"It's too late, Paul, what's done is done" Jared said.

"You're right" A voice said from somewhere behind me, "It is to late Paul. You broke her trust. Well, I did" a figure appeared behind me that had the guys phase immediately. 

"What do you mean, Luke?" I asked

"Oh, my sweet, sweet, innocent friend-"

"I am NOT your friend!" I exclaimed

"See, that's where you're wrong, Re, with my special abilities, I can get anyone to do exactly what I want"

"So Paul-" I trailed off

"Was under my control the entire time you two were stargazing. Ugh, you two disgust me. You know, I never pegged you to be the cringy romantic type"

"One step closer and those three will rip you to shreds" I warned, turning around to finally face my old best friend.

"That's too bad" he laughed, "because all it takes is one. little. touch" he reached for me and the three of the guys pounced. "Until next time, my sweet little friend"

I watched as the three of them chased Luke away, staring at the spot they disappeared from. A presence quickly appeared next to me, nudging me with their giant head. "Laken?" I asked, looking at the wolf next to me, "you here for Seth?" Laken nodded and lowered down so I could get on his back. 

Quickly Laken took off through the woods, jumping through trees and dodging low hanging branches. After what felt like 30 seconds of straight flying through the air, Laken came to a gradual stop outside my house. He went behind a tree, returning a minute later with shorts on. 

"Stuck with me tonight? On purpose or to fill in?" I asked him as we walked briskly to my window. It was two-thirty in the morning and you could tell, it's no greater than 45 degrees out here right now and I'm in a strapless dress.

"On purpose tonight. It was supposed to be Seth but I covered for him after he found his imprint" he replied as he helped me climb in the window.

"What about Bailey? You guys went to the dance together"

"Yeah but her family is going on a day trip today and she had to be up early so she had to leave the dance early. 

"I'm going to go get changed, let me know if you hear anything from the guys?"

"Yeah, but they were halfway up they were already 2 hours north when driving when we got back here, so it'll be a bit before they get back"

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now