fifty nine

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The next morning, I woke up to Paul getting out of bed and heading towards the window. "Where are you-"

"I can't walk into the kitchen from your room, I have to go through the front door otherwise Sam will freak"

I nodded and he slipped out the window, disappearing into the woods a few seconds later. I shut the window behind him and got dressed, then went out to the kitchen where I found Emily making breakfast.

After asking to help and being rejected, I poured a glass of water and sat at the table, waiting for Paul to turn up. "How was your little sleepover with Paul?"

Water shot out of my mouth and I stared at Emily in shock. "How do you know?" I stuttered

"I've known these boys long enough to know when one of them sneaks in. Don't worry, Sam doesn't know" she replied

"Sam doesn't know what?" Paul asked as he walked into the house. I gave him a look and his face fell, "you're kidding. How do you know everything!"

"I have my ways, Paul, but be more careful next time, yeah? We don't want Sam finding out so we?"

The rest of the pack slowly began to trickle in as the hour progressed, and together we ate breakfast while we waited for Sam to get back from his meeting with the Cullens. He brought Jake with him as well since he's friends with Bella and together they could get as much information as they needed.

We spent hours just hanging around the house. Paul was basically attached to my hip and wouldn't leave me alone until it was his turn to patrol, but I didn't mind it. Since we started dating, the affection he's showing me has become nice rather than annoying like before.

Paul's spot was quickly filled by Seth, who begged me to play monopoly with him. It only took forty five minutes for Seth to rage quit and pull out a different game to play, this time it was Sorry.

We didn't even get two turns in before Sam and Jake got back to the house and we all had to sit around the table. "So? What did they say?" Embry asked impatiently.

Currently Paul and Laken were on patrol, which is a terrible combination, so Embry had to fill two pairs of shoes. "Victoria is after Bella because Edward killed her mate-"

"Vampires have mates?" I asked, cutting Sam off

"Yes. Alice hasn't been able to see anything regarding the Luke situation, but she wants Serena to go over there to see if it's because we're blocking her visions. That means none of us can go with her, not even Paul. They're also going to start doing light patrols around their territory, so do not cross the river."

My face fell when he said I had to go to the Cullens house by myself. I didn't even know the people, and from what I've heard from the pack, I don't want to associate with them.

"When does Alice want Serena over there?" Jared asked

"We meet at the border in thirty minutes. Embry and I will walk with her to meet Alice and Emmet. Tonight Jared and Paul will go collect her at seven" Sam stated.

"That's six hours with them!" Embry said exclaimed, attempting to protest.

"Alice doesn't know how long it will take for our 'stench' to wear off and for her to be able see what's going to happen. Now let's go, it's a long walk over there"

I didn't even have time to have any input in the situation before I was ushered out the door. Rather than switching into their wolves, Sam opted for them to walk in front and behind me.

The entire walk I was stuck staring at Embrys back, so I couldn't really tell where we were going. "So we have to walk like this?" I asked, getting sick of it.

"It's safer this way because Embry can see what's ahead of us and I can see the sides. If something, say Victoria, we're to attack from behind she would have to deal with me first." Sam said and I kept quiet.

When Embry started to slow down I knew that we must have been getting close to the border between our land and the Cullens land. Looking to my right, I could barely make out Paul's wolf watching us from between the trees.

We waited at the edge of the river for a few minutes before two people approached the other side. "Hello Embry, Sam. You must be Serena, it's so good to meet you. I'm Alice and this is Emmett, we're Carlisle's adopted kids" the girl spoke.

I nodded and turned to look at Embry, then at Sam, who motioned for me to cross the river. I sucked in a breath before crossing, trying to stay on the rocks as I did.

When I was finally across, I gave one last look to my brothers before I was led away by the two vampires. "Jasper is up in the trees for extra safety. Figured I'd let you know so you won't freak out if you see him" the guy, Emmett said.

The walk to wherever we're going was slow, but entertaining because I got to watch Jasper jump between trees in front of us. After twenty minutes, we finally could see a large mansion like house forming.

"Woah" I said, taking the whole thing in.

"I know right! It's sick on the inside! I guess what happens though when you've been alive for centuries" Emmett responded.

We walked quickly to the house and inside, where I was greeted by four other people besides Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. "Serena this is Bella, Edward, Rosalie, and Esme. Carlisle is patrolling the borders right now. Guys, this is Serena" Alice said, introducing me to the group.

"I know who you are" Bella said rudely. "She used to go to Forks, sophomore, right?"

"Yeah" I replied

"We took art together before you left" she continued, making me feel better.

"Alright, let's get to seeing the future" Alice said, grabbing my hand and leading me down a hallway.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now