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We were all on edge already. The plan wasn't't forming and we could all feel another attack in the works. People were getting antsy, "We just have to be quicker, better, smarter. We'll get him this next time, I know it" Sam said, trying to encourage all of us.

This was after close to two hours of nothing getting accomplished, so I think we were all over it at this point. The screams stopped us. She was hurting, I had to get to her. "Paul! Embry! SIT!" Sam commanded us, keeping us from going to her. I fought hard against his command, I could tell Embry was also, but he soon gave up.

It wasn't as easy for me to give up, and another command from Jared finally made me submit. Screw him and his beta powers. "Listen, I want to go up there too, but if any one of us goes up there Alice won't be able to finish her read" Sam said.

It physically pained me to listen to her screaming. I didn't know why she was or what was happening upstairs, but considering Edward hasn't come down here yet I knew that she was fine.

"I don't know, ok! Something is after us and it's not going to turn out good!"

"She's got to be dreaming about Luke, right? Maybe her and Bella going back in?" Jared asked

"Not a dream, a nightmare" Jasper said, "I can feel her emotions from here, they're strong"

"What the hell do you want!" That's the Serena I know, always so snarky.

Before we knew it, painful screams were taking over the house. They were uninterrupted, lasting for minutes at a time. I could feel myself slipping away, my wolf threatening to take over at any moment. "Paul! Embry! Choke it down!" Sam choked out, struggling himself.

Embry couldn't do it and bolted from the table, transforming as soon as he started to move out of the room. He switched mid stride and threw himself through the large window, shattering it in the process. "God damnit Embry!" Sam yelled, his almost phase completely gone now.

"Its ok, Sam, we'll take care of the window" Esme soothed him, and he visibly relaxed. I'm certain that he doesn't want to have to pay for a giant window non top of a wedding.


Jared put his hand on my shoulder, trying to lead me outside before I phased, but I wasn't going to phase. I couldn't. I can't leave here and not be here for her when she wakes up. My entire body was calm, a surprising sight for both Sam and Jared.

"Ok then," Jared said, shocked, "I'm just going to go find Embry I guess"

A few minutes after Jared left, Alice appeared at the top of the stairs. "Sam, Paul" she breathed and that's all we needed to hear. She was ready for us to save her.

The two of us bolted up the stairs and into the room where Re Re and Edward were, finding her curled in a ball on the lounger, sobbing uncontrollably into Edward, still screaming. Now, however, she was screaming something else in-between screeches. "I wasn't fast enough!"  

Sam and I rushed up to her, me pulling her into my lap as Sam crouched in front of her, wiping the tears from her face and trying to soothe her into a conscious state. "What happened?" Sam whispered

"She had a nightmare about Alice's last vision." Edward responded

"When?" I asked, but I think I already knew the answer. 

"This Friday, in the woods. You have to keep her out. You can't let her out of your sight. She's going to lose someone close to her if you do" Alice said in a dreamlike state. The rest of the Cullen family was already in the room with us. There was no need to repeat the information twice.

"Who is it?" I asked

"We don't know. They were the only face blurred out. We do know that its Riley and Luke that take them" Edward replied.

"And we're sure that keeping her out of the woods until Friday will stop this from happening entirely?" Sam asked

"Not entirely," Carlisle chided, "Alice's visions are extremely accurate, keeping her out of the woods may only delay the inevitable"

"So we have to keep her out of the woods forever?" I asked, "She loves the woods"

"At least until we defeat Victoria" Edward said

"Do we know when that is yet?" I asked

"Not a clue, but it'll be soon. I can feel it" Carlisle said.

Serena was still screaming periodically, but it was slowly beginning to die down. Having both Sam and I here was really helping her out. The Cullen's slowly filtered out of the room, leaving just Serena, Sam, and I. 

"Hey there" Sam whispered, barely audible, "its ok, Rena, we're right here. There's nothing to be scared of. Not with us by your side"

I could feel her shift as she began to wake up, her screams turning into whimpers as she sobbed. "There she is" Sam smiled. The only things heard from there were her cries as she struggled to find any words for us.

"You don't have to say anything, Re Re, its ok. We'll just be here." I told her quietly, placing a kiss on her hand that I was holding. She brought her hand down to her mouth and choked out a sob.

"I wasn't fast enough," she sobbed, "I have to be faster. I have to save them"

She peeled herself out of my grasp and moved towards the door, brushing both Sam and I off. "Where are you going?" Sam asked

"I have to be faster, Sam. People are going to die if I don't"

"You don't know that!"

"I do, Sam" she cried, "its my fault. All of it is my fault"

She left the room after that, running down the stairs and across the house. We followed behind her, giving her space as she ran. When we finally got to her destination, she was in the Cullen's home gym, sprinting on the treadmill. 

When I moved to go stop her, Sam pulled me back "Let her do this," he whispered to me, "she needs to do this otherwise she won't get any better"

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now