eighty eight

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"Everything." She stated, already flustered, "please tell me everything. From the beginning"

"Ok uh, it started when I found out that my fake parents had kidnapped me, I ran and ran but she was hot on my tail so I chose a random house to seek refuge. It just so happened that it was Paul's house.

While I was freaking out, Paul imprinted on me and that's when I kind of knew that everything would be alright. We found out who my real family was and they brought me in with open arms, and that's when I started getting stalked by my ex best friend who is now a vampire.

He has these special powers that can suck people into this comatose like state and he's been pulling me in a lot but we think we have it figured out to where we can catch him next time he does it.

I really didn't want you getting roped into all of this. It's dangerous, B, he might try to pull you in to get to us. Lakens still weak, he'll for sure crack under the pressure if it comes to it"

"I want to help" she started

"There's really not much you can do. You have to stay safe, that's all. No putting yourself at risk for us"

"Please, Serena, what can I do to help?"

"Nothing, B, I won't let you, Sam won't let you, Laken sure as hell won't let you"

"When will this be over? When will everyone be safe?"

"Either when we beat Luke and the lady that's controlling him and his buddy, or when I die. I'm his mate, apparently, and he won't stop until he's taken me from you guys"

"Wait, you have two mates?"

"I guess? I don't know how it works. All I know is that I can't leave Paul, not when he's been there for me since this all started. Especially not for that leech that I used to call my friend"

"So now what? We just wait?"

"All we can do is wait for him to pull me back into 'the well' so the guys can hopefully catch him and get rid of him once and for all"

We parted ways after this. There wasn't much we could do anyways. Embry was waiting on me and she had to go talk to Laken about what I told her.

I really want to believe that she'll keep herself out of this, but my gut is telling me that she'll do something stupid.

"How was practice?" Embry asked as I walked out of the locker room.

"Shut up you loser you were literally there watching" I said, shoving him.

"Yeah but I wasn't paying attention to it so I wanted to ask"

"It was good. We have a game on Thursday so it was just a lot of drills and conditioning"

"I did notice that you were dripping in sweat at the end of it"

"Are we going to Sam's?" I asked him as he pulled onto the road

"We're actually going back to the Cullens, so they can check up on you and so we can make a better plan for the next time he tries to pull you in"

"We got what we wanted though, right? We figured out how to find him and get rid of him?"

"I don't think it's going to be that easy, Re. He got away last time, he's not going to cut it this close again"

We pulled into the Cullens driveway shortly after this. When we walked in, they were all sitting there waiting for us. Sam and Paul were there too, and Jared was asleep on the couch.

Looking at Jared, a small smile slipped onto my face, a plan formulating in my head. Edward chuckled and nodded, showing his approval for my prank that I was going to pull on Jared.

Quickly and quietly, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the cool whip out of the fridge, taking a spoon with me back to Jared. I scooped some out onto his hand, then returned to the kitchen, grabbing a cup of cold water and returning to the living room. Is it still called a living room even though they're technically dead? Would it be a dead room? Maybe an in-between room since they're kinda still living?

Everyone caught onto what I was doing by the time I got back to where Jared was. He hasn't moved a smidge, which was great news for me.

Very carefully, I began to pour out the water onto Jared's face, making sure it was just enough to bother him, but not enough to wake him up suddenly.

After about a third of the cup, he began to stir. Finally, after what felt like ages, he brought his cool whip filled hand up to his face, smashing it all around trying brush the water away.

I backed away from the couch quickly, hiding myself behind Emmet so Jared wouldn't come after me. "What the-" Jared muttered as he opened his eyes. "Are you kidding me?" He exclaimed as he noticed his face covered in cool whip.

He looked around the room, locking eyes with Embry. "Where is she?" He asked and Embry shook his head, refusing to spill.

"Embry don't make me use my authority on you, where is she?" He pleaded, a stern look coming across his face. I could see Embry beginning to crack, so I decided to make a run for it, putting distance between myself and Jared.

He spotted me quickly and chased after me, but the wall of Jasper stopped him. He played peek a boo for a second before I took off again, but he was quick to catch me this time, smearing cool whip all over me.

"JARED! Stop!" I laughed as he held me still, swiping the cool whip off his face and smearing it onto mine. "Paul!"

"You did this to yourself, Re Re, you gotta suffer the consequences" Paul replied with a laugh.

"By the way, Serena, we still call it a living room" Edward said, causing confused looks to form on everybody's faces but mine. A loud laugh escaped from me, I forgot I thought about that.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now