ninety three

252 11 0


Thursday came quicker than I would have liked it to. After leaving Leah's house late, I got like no sleep, thinking of all the possible outcomes that could happen on Friday. The guys are confident that they'll prevent it from even occurring on Friday, but I don't doubt Alice. Ever. I've heard stories from Edward of him doubting Alice, and every time it ended in him being wrong and Emmet winning a bet. 

It was now lunch time on Thursday, and I was sprinting my heart out on the treadmill. I've already gotten significantly faster since I started, but its not fast enough. I have to be quicker, more agile. I have to save them. I haven't had any free periods so far today, so I was already behind compared to yesterday. that and I have a game tonight, so I'll be losing even more precious time because of it.

"Serena" Paul said from next to me. Today, my babysitters have been glued to me more than usual, just in case anything were to draw me into or near the woods, despite it being a day earlier than predicted. I honestly think they think I'm an idiot. I'm not going to willingly just Walt into the woods like the first person to get killed in a horror movie, I'm smarter than that. I'm in ap classes for Petes sake. "Serena, you have a game today. You can't keep doing this to yourself"

"So what if I do bad today, there's many more days and many more games in the future. There's not more days for whoever is in my dream if I don't keep going" I panted. That's weird, I haven't been out of breath once throughout this last week, and even before then I've barely been breaking a sweat because of the phasing process.

"Re, come on, just take a breather for a few minutes. You don't look very good" Embry chimed in from where he was standing. He was taking it upon himself to get a quick workout in while I was in here, claiming he 'had to look good for the ladies' so he was currently doing rdl's. What a dweeb.

"No, I can't. I'm fine. I'll be fine" I said as my head started to spin and my vision started to blur. That's even more weird. I haven't had a headache like this since I left that kidnappers house and got freezing cold lake water dumped on me.

"CATCH HER!" Embry yelled, lunging towards me. What?


I caught Serena in an instant, not letting her hit the ground after she passed out. "Damnit, Serena, now look what happens when you don't take our advice" I mumbled, scolding her despite her not being able to hear me.

"I'll go get some water, keep her airways unblocked" Embry ran out of the weight room and I pulled Serena away from the treadmill that was still going at high speeds. Of course, on today of all days, her body quits on her. 

We've been warning her all week, begging her to take it easy and to relax just a little bit. Who know what would've happened if this happened while she was trying to save that person, she never would have forgiven herself then. She may not even forgive herself if something happens now, but at least there's a possibility.

I laid Serena down on a yoga mat and waited for Embry to return with water, watching as she slept peacefully. She needed this sleep, its just unfortunate how it happened.

Embry quickly returned with a bottle of water, Kim and Jared in tow. "What happened?" Kim asked as she knelt down next to Serena, wiping the sweat off her forehead with a rag she brought. How the heck did Embry find them and get water so quickly. 

"She pushed herself too much. She's going nuts, lord knows what would've happened if she did that during her game tonight" Embry said, dumping a little bit of water on her.

"They're probably lose and they'd have to run sprints at practice tomorrow" Jared joked, getting smacked lightly by Kim.

"Don't jinx it," Kim scolded, "they have a winning s

"Serena" Embry said, pouring a little bit of the water on her forehead to try and cool her down, "Wake up" There was no movement from Serena, and Embry sighed, shaking his head. "You asked for it"

He reached over and began to tickle Serena, which made her jump awake instantly. "Embry!" She exclaimed, "What the hell!"

"What the hell? You're what the helling me? You literally just collapsed while running!"

"What? I did?" she asked, sitting up and surveying her surroundings.

"Yeah, scared the crap out of us. What would've happened if you did that in the woods? Or during your game tonight?" I told her, "We told you to ease up and you didn't listen."

"I'm sorry, I just have to save them. I can't let them die" she replied, running her hands down her face and wiping away excess water.

"You have to save yourself, first, Serena" Kim said quietly, suddenly becoming a motivational speaker.

"You're not in my position. You haven't been told that someone is going to die because of you and that you're going to watch it happen in front of you. You haven't been told that unless you do something to change it, it's going to happen." She argued.

"You don't even know if you know them!" Embry exclaimed, I could see where he was going with this.

"What if I do? What if its Kim? Or Emily? Or Mom? Or God forbid Bailey or Birkley? Liberty maybe? What about sweet little Claire? What if its one of them? You want me to let them die" Serena said, standing up. Kim froze in realization, what if it was her?

"Where are you going?" Embry asked as Serena started to walk away. 

"To take a shower. I need to cool down" she left the room and we all sat there a minute longer.

"What if its me?" Kim asked, tears pooling in her eyes and beginning to stream down her face. "What if they try and kill me?"

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now