fifty seven

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"I'm sorry sweetie, I can't do anything to help you." Lukes mom said before hanging up.

I brought my shaky hand away from my ear, shoving the phone in my pocket, and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked around one more time, then made my way to a bathroom and locked myself inside a stall.

"Embry" I said through tears as soon as he answered my call

"What is it Serena? I'm in the middle of something"

"Luke is gone. He's been missing for two weeks!"

"Then how did he book you a ticket there?"

"I don't know! He was texting me but he won't respond to anything now!"

"Hang on, let me see if there are any flights back here anytime soon"

"I don't know what to do, Embry, I can't believe I made this mistake! What was going through my head!"

"There's one leaving the Ottawa air port in four hours, I'll get you a ticket but you owe me, big time. Be safe-"

Pounding on my stall interrupted him "hurry up in there! People are waiting out here!"

The voice sounded eerily similar, causing me to stutter for a second. It sounded like Luke, but there was no way that was possible. Luke was missing.

And this is a women's restroom.

"Get on with it!" the voice said again, making my suspicions rise.

"Embry," I whispered, "I call you back"


"I have to go" I hung up the phone and mustered up the courage to open the stall door, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw that it wasn't Luke waiting outside the door, but instead it was just some random angry dud with a little girl.

I shot them a tight smile and left the bathroom, going to where I would get my ticket printed.

Forty five minutes, I was sitting in the chairs at the terminal where my new flight was supposed to leave. "Embry, I'm all checked in. The flight leaves in three hours" I said as soon as I answered his phone call.

He had been calling me every fifteen minutes since I hung up on him wile in the bathroom. "Be careful. I'll be on shift when your flight gets in, so Jared is going to pick you up. You're staying at Sam an Emily's until your flight is supposed to get in on Monday"

"Why do I have to stay there?"

"Do you really want mom finding out that your friend is missing and you didn't check to make sure he was still going to pick you up before hand?"

"You're right, sorry. I should have listened to you guys"

"Hey, it's ok, don't get too worked up about it. Paul told me that you know about the thing so it was only logical for you to want to get out of here as soon as possible. Can you get me a souvenir?"

"Yes, I'll get you a souvenir. I'll be home soon. Love you"

"Love you too, idiot" Embry said, hanging up.

After that, I wandered around all of the stores to get him his souvenir, finally finding a cute little stuffed wolf with a t shirt that said Canada on it. The wolf was perfect, and it even looked like his wolf form, so I bought it for him with a large smile in my face.

By the time I got back to my gate, it was only an hour until my plane left. Almost all of the seats were full, only a few open, so I chose to sit in the one closest to the main hallway. I sat in-between an old man and a guy that looked to only be a few years older than me, not engaging with either of them.

Finally, after a long hour, the plane began to board, and I got up to get in line once my group was called. As I began to walk away, the younger guy I was sitting next to grabbed my wrist with his ice cold hands, making me shudder. Looking back, he had the wolf in his hands, holding it out to me. I thanked him, going to turn again, but he looked up at me, flashing his bright red eyes at me before walking off in the opposite direction of the gate.

It was Luke. Luke was a vampire, and he didn't kill me.

My entire body shuddered as I walked towards the line, and I couldn't think straight for the entirety of the flight.

"Jared!" I exclaimed, running up to him and giving him a massive hug

"Who! Hey Renie, miss me?" He replied, catching me in his embrace.

"Jared, Luke is a vampire. I saw him, as I was about to board. His hands were ice cold and his eyes were bright red. Why didn't he kill me?"

"Lets go, we'll talk in the car in case there's people listening"

We rushed out of the air port and to his car, where he locked the doors and ripped out of the parking lot as soon as we got in. "Tell me what happened" he said as soon as we were on the road.

"Slow down first, please, I don't want you to get a ticket" I said, glancing at his speed which was nearing 80 miles per hour. He apologized quickly, slowing down closer to the speed limit, and urged me to speak. "Well, I almost forgot Embry's wolf, so he grabbed my arm and handed it to me, and afterwards, he looked me in the eyes before rushing off"

"And you didn't know who it was before that?"

"No, he had his hood up and his head towards the ground the entire time up until the. Oh my God, Paul is going to lose his shit! Can you smell Luke on me?"

"Yes, but I was hoping that you just passed by someone. Being that it's Luke brings up whole new problems. He remembers you, which is bad, which means that you might be on the top of his hit list if he decides to go on a rampage"

"Who turned him?"

"My guess is that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but there's always a suspicion that it could of been Victoria because of the thing"

"I'm screwed. I'm going to die"

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now