fifty three

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I don't know when we fell asleep, but its had to have been super late because I barely could open my eyes when Bailey's mom  woke me up. "Your brother is here to pick you up, sweetie" 

I peeled my eyes open to see the light shining into the room through Bailey's unclosed curtains. "What time is it?" I mumbled, looking up at her.

"Its just turned eight, he says that you're supposed to be ready to go help at Emily's house now"

I groaned and pushed myself off the ground, following Mrs. Briar out to the front room. She left me alone with Embry, and I shot the hardest glare at him. "What are you doing here"

"I'm picking you up, get your stuff and let's go" He replied, looking down at me with stern eyes. 

"Embry, I'm not leaving with you. Go home"

"Serena, I'm not taking no for an answer, let's go"

"Embry, No! I'm not going with, it's too early for this and I'm tired. Just let me enjoy hanging out with my friends."

"You wouldn't be tired if you didn't stay up until five talking with your friends"

"How do you know about that?"

"We had patrols going around to make sure you didn't go back to the city. Why don't you listen to us when we tell you its dangerous" He whispered

"the only thing that's dangerous was Paul sneaking up on me and almost giving me a heart attack"

"Yeah, and the fact that your friend was going 15 over the limit, you've already gotten into one accident, we don't need you to get into another"

"Please, Embry, just let me hang out with my friends. I'll go home later"

"I'm picking you up at 12 and no later, Emily is hosting lunch and you're going" Embry said before turning and leaving the house.

I sighed before making my way back upstairs. Today is going to be a long day, and the pack is definitely going to give me shit for going to the city last night. Once I got back to Bailey's room, I closed the curtain and laid back down, falling asleep almost instantly.


"Where is she?" I asked once Embry pulled himself into the cab of my truck.

"Not coming, I told her we were coming to get her at 12 and then going straight to Emily's for lunch" He replied

"Of course, she must be exhausted after last night. Even though they stopped talking around five, her heartbeat didn't slow down until close to six"

"Man, sometimes it seems like you're just a flat out stalker, but then I remember that she's your imprint and she's in potential danger so I get it"

"yeah, you'll understand one day, maybe you'll be even more protective of her"

"Yeah, I doubt it, have you seen yourself?"


The next time I woke up, it was 11:57. "Crap!" I said, shooting up into a sitting position.

"What's going on?" Bailey asked as her and Brikley were both startled awake by my outburst.

"My brothers going to be here in three minutes and I haven't even gotten dressed, used the bathroom, or brushed my teeth! let alone packed!" I exclaimed, ripping items out of my bag and rushing into the bathroom.

I got ready as quickly as possible, but not quick enough. While I was in the bathroom I could hear the horn of Embry's truck honk periodically. By the time I was running do the stairs it was 12:06, "Sorry I have to go! Thank you for having me!" I exclaimed as I ran past Mrs. Briar.

Once I got outside I was greeted by Pauls truck instead of Embry's, with huge grins across both of their faces. I threw my bags into the bed and slid in next to Paul after Embry let me in. "You're late" Embry said, nudging me in the ribs with his elbow to get me to scoot over a little more.

It was already a tight fit in Paul's truck given that it only had one row, but the fact that both boys were oversized giants didn't help at all. I was already squished between the two, yet Embry wanted more room, causing me to be pressed tightly into Paul's side. At the newfound contact, Paul relaxed a little bit, "I'm sorry about last night. I was just worried about you." He said, looking at me for a second before turning his attention back to the road.

"If you guys were really worried about me, you would tell me what's actually going on instead of hiding it from me" I replied.

"Serena, nothing is going on, it's just dangerous with the vampire that's after Bella" Embry said and I frowned. 

I stayed silent the rest of the way to Emily's house, and walked slowly behind the two as they ran into the house excited for food. 

What's going on, Re?  Delivered 12:21 pm. Opened 12:21 pm.

This town is full of lies and I can't be here anymore. I need to see you. I'm going insane. Delivered 12:22 pm. Opened 12:24 pm.

I'll book you a flight for spring break to come see me. When does it start? Delivered 12:25 pm. Opened 12:25 pm.

Next Thursday is the first day off. Delivered 12:26 pm.

"Come sit Serena, I made hot dish" Emily said, breaking me out of my trance. Looking up, the only open seat was in-between Embry and Paul. 

I sat in my chair and avoided looking at them, instead keeping my eyes on my plate. I was hungry, really hungry actually, but all I could do was push the food around my plate. "What's the matter, Rena?" Jared asked

"I'm just not very hungry" I replied, putting the fork full of food in my mouth.

"You need to eat, Serena, your mother would not be happy with us if you went home hungry when we told her we would feed you" Sam said.

The conversation dulled after that, mostly shifting onto what each person was working on in school, or the patrol schedule for the next week. While listening, I noticed that at some points they had three runners on instead of the normal two, but I figured that just because of Bella.

Eight am Thursday morning. I'll pick you up when you land. Delivered 1:17 pm

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