forty nine

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I totally sucked it up at tryouts. I was absolutely terrible compared to how well I was doing the days before today. The added stress of knowing that half of us didn't even get a spot was too much for me and I choked.

Once back in the locker room, everyone was talking about how well they did and predicting who would be on each team, and after trying to tune it out for 10 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore and rushed out of there.

"Hey, can you come pick me up please? And quickly please. Bailey and Birkley are supposed to give me a ride but I need to get away from them telling me that I did great because they won't tell me the truth" I asked Embry as soon as he answered his phone. I had snuck off to the back of the school where the teachers park in order to avoid people interrupting me. 

"Yeah, I was on my way to Sam and Emily's place but I'll stop by on my way through. See you in 5" He said, hanging up on me. After my sigh of relief, I shot a text to the group chat between us three girls explaining that I forgot Embry was going to pick me up because he needed my help with something.

True to his word, Embry pulled up exactly five minutes after he ended our phone call. "Hey, Rena, how were tryouts?" He asked as I hopped into the truck. 

"I sucked, Embry! Everyone was doing so good and it was nothing like gym class! I thought I had it in the bag but now I'm not even sure that I'll be a reserve on junior varsity!" I exclaimed, leaning my head against the window.

"I'm sure they weren't that bad, from what I've been hearing people say you've god really good odds about making the team"

"That's what I've been hearing too, but I haven't actually heard coach say it so now I'm concerned"

"Tell me why you think you did so bad, then I'll tell you my view about the entire thing"

"Well, to start, I tripped over myself during running warmups, but not just once, I did it twice! Then, when we were passing to each other, I completely missed is and got nailed in the head. And when we finally moved into the game portion of tryouts, I missed like 3 shots, didn't catch a few easy passes, and threw it right into an opponents net!"

"Serena, here's what I think is going to happen. I think that you are going to make the team because coach would be stupid to not give you a spot. Jake was telling me how good you were doing during gym class all week. Either way it goes, all of us are super proud of you for getting out there and trying new things. We were worried that you would stick to your shell, but you've proven all of us wrong so far"

"Thanks Em, you're the best" I said, moving to lean on him instead, "Why are we going to Sam and Emily's?" 

"Pack meeting, I'm sure you'll be allowed to listen in since you know about us now" he replied.

We rode in silence for the rest of the short ride, but where greeted with shouts when we pulled into Sam's driveway.

"Took you long enough!" Quil yelled, gaining laughter from the rest of the guys.

"I would have been quicker, but Rena called and asked for a ride while I was on my way" Embry yelled back, getting out of the truck.

"Serena! Best friend! I missed you!" Seth exclaimed, running up to me as I was making my way to them.

"Seth I saw you first period and during lunch" I told him and he smiled at me

"I know, but that was hours ago!" Seth said happily, taking my arm and dragging me into a hug.

"Seth I stink! I didn't have time to shower after tryouts" I grimaced, pulling away.

"Speaking of, how were tryouts kid?" Sam asked from his position on the porch

"They were alright, can I use your shower quick?" I asked him and he nodded 

"I'll go grab you some of Emily's old clothes" he said before heading back into the house.

The pack and I followed him into the house and into the kitchen where Emily was cooking. "Smells good, Emily, what are you making?" Embry asked

"Spaghetti, but it won't be ready until after the meeting" She replied, continuing to shove dough into the pasta cutter.

"Here you go, kid, you know where the bathroom is" Sam said, handing me a pile of clothes.

"Thanks," I said before walking towards the bathroom.


"Alright, let's get this thing started so we can get this over with" Sam said, sitting at the table.

"What is this meeting about?" Jared asked, sitting down next to me.

"That's what I'm trying to get to, Jared. As all of you know, we have a new addition to the pack." Sam said, referring to Laken, who looked extremely out of place, "I'm afraid that this will be a common occurrence as the number of vampires in the area is rising significantly. I've been in contact with the Cullens recently, and there is word of a newborn army being created in the Port Angeles area"

"What does this mean for us?" Embry asked.

"They've asked for our help, considering the newborns don't know we exist, we should be able to destroy the army easily."

"Why the hell should we help them? All they've done for us is cause problems, this included!" I exclaimed, getting angry.

"Because of Jake's relationship with Bella I bet" Quil said under his breath

"Shut it, Quil, its none of your business" Jake argued.

"I know I'm new here and all, but dude, she's not into you, get over her" Laken chimed in

"Stay out of it, Laken! You need to earn your right to speak here!" Jake yelled, getting visibly upset

"Liberty lives in Port Angeles with her parents over the weekends, but she doesn't know about us, how am I supposed to convince her its not safe there without raising suspicion?" Leah asked.

"We'll get to that in a minute, but there's something else that needs to be added to why we need to help the Cullens with taking down the newborns" Sam said, making the table go quiet.

"Well, what is it?" Seth asked impatiently.

"They're after Serena."

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