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"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE AFTER SERENA!" Paul roared almost immediately after Sam spoke.

"What the fuck do they want with her!" Embry added, seething with rage.

"We don't know, at least not yet" Sam replied trying to remain calm. All three of them were tied to Serena in super important ways, Sam and Embry as brothers and Paul as someone who imprinted on her.

"When are they coming?" Jared asked

"Based on what Alice saw, sometime during mid June, so we have time to prepare, but not much. Her visions keep changing as she sees more and more" Same informed and a sigh of relief came from the table.

"What does that mean for our imprints?" Leah asked, super concerned for Liberty's safety. I could feel her concern radiating off of her, and it made me start to feel concerned as well.

"For now we need to keep them close, but they can't know about what's going on, not even Serena" 

"But Serena is literally a huge part of this! We have to tell her!" Embry protested but Sam shook his head

"It's for her own safety. We need to know where everyone is at all times to keep them safe. Also, no random walks in the woods anymore in case patrol doesn't pick up on a stray vampire, if you're going to go into them with your imprint, have another pack member with you for more protection please." Sam finished

"Who is on patrol right now? Considering we're all sitting around this table" Laken asked

"The Cullens are circling the territory for us so we could have this meeting, after we eat, regular scheduling will resume. Any more questions? Good, lets eat." Sam said and we all whopped, beginning to fill our plates with spaghetti.


My shower was really quick because I didn't know how long they would have their meeting for, and I didn't want them to wait on me to start eating. I was just within earshot of their conversation when I heard something that I never thought I would hear. "They're after Serena" Sam said.

I didn't know who was after me, considering that was the first bit of the conversation that I heard, but I heard Paul and Embry start to go ballistic. based on the rest of the conversation, it was easy to come to the conclusion that there were vampires after me, and that scared the shit out of me, which led to the text that I sent to Luke. 

Luke, I'm scared. Delivered 6:52 pm.

I didn't get a response right away, which was to be expected because it was getting late where he lives now. I listened for the packs conversation to finish before entering the kitchen, being greeted by half of them with spaghetti filled smiles. Seth patted the open seat in-between him and Jared, and I sat in it willingly.

I decided that I would let the pack tell me what was going on instead of telling me that I heard the worst part, figuring that they would take it better that way. They didn't say anything to me about the meeting all of dinner, so I asked Embry when we got back to our house that night.

"Embry, what was the meeting about?" I asked him, getting ready for bed.

"Oh, just about how we haven't been putting in enough effort with patrols and we need to pick it up" He hesitated.

"oh, ok, seems like a small manner to gather everyone for" I said, a little disappointed that he lied to me. 

"Yeah, it was kind of a waste of time, but Sam wanted to get everyone together for dinner now that Laken has control after you helped him. Listen, I have to go patrol now with Leah, but I'll be back at 4. Please don't wait up for me" Embry said before sneaking out of our bedroom window.

I watched as he jogged into the trees behind our house before sighing and shutting off the light. I didn't understand why he wouldn't tell me the real reason behind the pack meeting. Not only am I his twin, but I'm also caught after by those stupid vampires.

I couldn't sleep well at all, and ended up tossing and turning until Embry got in at four. "Rena, I thought I told you to go to sleep" He sighed when he noticed I was still awake.

"I had a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep" I lied, being as dramatic as I could to really sell it to him.

"Come here," he said, scooting against the wall in his bed to make room for me. I got up and laid next to him, resting my head on his shoulder, "You wanna talk about it?"

"No" I mumbled, letting sleep take over me.

The next day, the pack didn't say a single thing to me about the meeting, rising my level of disappointment in them. The same went for Friday until I brought it up at lunch.

"You're all sure that the meeting was just about patrols and not something significantly more important?" I asked the group and they all silenced, all exchanging looks that didn't go unnoticed.

I tried to make eye contact with Kim, but she looked away before I could even try, not returning my gaze. "Paul?" I asked. He remained silent and I sighed. "It's ok, keep lying to me" I picked up my tray and brought it over to where Baily and Birkley were sitting, joining in on there conversation.

"Her ReRe, not sitting with your brother and his friends today?" Birkley asked.

"No, I need a little break for them" I replied, picking at my food.

"Are you excited for after school? Teams are getting posted after final bell!" Bailey exclaimed, drinking her smoothie.

"Yes! I'm super nervous and I feel like I did terrible, but everyone has told me that I actually did really good and that I have nothing to worry about." I told the girls, who both smiled and nodded at me.

"You've got that right! How about to celebrate we go to Port Angeles tonight to go shopping, and then a sleepover at my place?" Bailey asked, "I'll drive!"

"Sounds perfect!" Birkley responded, and I nodded in agreement. 

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now