ninety five

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After scrubbing as much mud off myself as I could outside, I scraped the rest away with an old washcloth in the shower. The entire process took over half an hour, mostly due to the difficulty of getting it out of my ears. 

Right as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep, waking up Friday morning far too quickly. I dragged along, getting ready for the day, but the time flew by quicker than I would have liked. What seemed like five minutes later, I was sitting at our lunch table, soaking in the silence that overcame all of us. Nobody wanted to talk, the dread of the event that may happen later heavy on our minds.

Kim and Jared were attached to each other more than usual, the fear of the victim being Kim overwhelming the pair. I was scared out of my mind too, what it if was someone I was super close to? What would Jared do without Kim? What would I do without Kim? She's literally my best friend and is one of the only people who knows what I've been through and understands it.

"You guys need to be on watch of Kim, Emily, and mom, I can handle myself. I know what's going to happen so I'm not going to go in the woods. Don't let them get cured in" I told them after the lunch period was almost over.

"We need to keep watch on everyone, we can't just leave you by yourself" Embry said, shaking his head.

"I would rather you guys put extra protection on them. I've been training and I know exactly what will happen and the moves to make" I tried to reason.

"Serena's right," Paul whispered, causing all our heads to snap towards his direction, "If she needs help, her wolf will come out. She can handle herself. Emily, Kim, and Tiffany can't"

"I would feel safer that way" Kim added, "Serena's tough, I'm not"

"That's settled then," Jared stated as the bell rang, "24/7 protection on Kim, Emily, and Tiffany today"

"I don't like it, but I'll do it" Embry said, as we all left the cafeteria.

Soon, I was sitting in the locker room after practice, waiting for a shower to open up. It was just my luck that Birkley happened to also be waiting for a shower, sitting on the bench in front of her locker, which was right next to mine because we picked them when we were still friends.

"Birkley" I said, trying to get her attention. I was going to explain all that I could without putting her in any danger. Then, when today passed and I knew she would be safe, I would tell her everything. She has a right to know, just like Bailey.

"I don't want to talk to you, Serena" she snapped, not even glancing in my direction

"Please, Birkley! I can't tell you everything today, but I can tomorrow!"

"If you were a real friend you would have told me everything right away"

"You don't understand! I physically can't tell you everything, not until this has all passed and everyone is safe"

"No, you don't understand, Serena. You don't understand what its like to have everyone constantly lying to you, and lying even more when you ask"

"Yes I do! I was lied to my whole life! And even more when I was saved! They still lie to me!

"We're never going to be friends again, Serena, you missed your chance. Maybe next time you should use your ap brain to think about other peoples feelings" She picked up her bag and stormed off, leaving the locker room quickly.

I followed her out, begging for her to listen to me, but she wouldn't budge. When we got to the main hallway, instead of taking a left to the main doors and parking lot, she took a right, heading for the back exit. "Where are you going? The parking lot is the other way!" I called as I sped walked behind her, catching up to her.

"I'm going for a walk, now leave me alone and don't speak to me again unless its lacrosse related!"

We were outside now, nearing the entrance to the woods that was directly behind the school. I can't let her go in there, not today. "WAIT! PLEASE! You can't go in there! Not today!" I screamed as she entered.

"You don't have any right to tell me what I can and can't do, now get lost!" she yelled.

"Please, Birkley, you have to believe me! You could die in there!"

"In the woods of La Push? Yeah right" she laughed, disappearing from my sight. Making a last minute decision, I went in after her, hoping that Alice's vision wouldn't come true.

"Birkley, please, any other day but today" I begged her, grabbing her arm and trying to drag her back out, but she pushed forward, the school building disappearing completely from sight.

"Serena, why are you so antsy? Let me take a walk, please. I'll hear you out when I'm ready but today is not that day"

"You're not listening to me. You have to get out of here. Tomorrow you can take a walk in the woods, but not today. It's for your own safety."

I continued to pester her, begging for her to turn around. Trying everything I could think of to get her to just hear me out, just for a second. "Alright, fine! I'll turn around and leave the stupid woods! I'm sick of you going on and on about id being dangerous today. If I do this, you have to promise to leave me alone forever. Unless I reach out to you, got it?"

"Yes! Yes, lets go! Quickly!" I exclaimed, pulling her in the direction back to the school.

A flash in front of us stopped us in our tracks, please not her. Please not Birkley, I'm begging you. "What was that?" she asked as it flashed again, and again, and again, over and over all around us.

"Run! We have to run!" I screamed at the figure next to me. At Birkley. At one of my best friends. We were in danger, and a lot of it at that.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now