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I followed Paul and his father over to a truck, sliding into the middle seat next to Paul who was driving, with his dad on my right.  Paul followed the police cars into Forks and pulled into a parking spot at the police station.

We followed the chief of police into the station and to the front desk, where the chief talked to the man behind it. "Follow me honey" the chief said, motioning for me to follow him.

I moved to follow him but stopped when he stopped, "I just need her at the moment, you two can wait in the lobby until I come back" the chief said and I noticed that Paul was following us.

Paul reluctantly nodded and walked over to where his dad was sitting down, me following the chief into a room off the hallway. He told me to sit on one side of the table while him and another officer sat on the other.

The began questioning me, things like my name, age, all of that kind of stuff, and things like how my mother treated me and how I found out.

By the end of questioning my voice was hoarse, I must have been in that room for 3 to 4 hours. The cops brought in Paul and his father to hear what they had to say about what happened a few hours prior, then brought my mother in as well.

It took another 2 hours to question Paul, his father, and my mom. By the end of the questioning they decided to put my mom in custody and do a dna test on me, to see if I really was kidnapped.

They quickly took my dna and sent it off to a lab where it would be tested. "Now she's going to need a place to stay and she's welcome to stay with me, just until her results come in" the chief said

"That's ok, she can stay with us" Paul said almost immediately the chief finished speaking.

The chief looked over to Paul's father, "that ok with you?" He asked him. Paul gave his father a look and his fathers expression changed within seconds.

"Of course she can, she's welcome anytime" Paul's father said.

"Well it's settled then, we'll call you back in in a few days when we get the results back, until then just hang tight" the chief said before leaving us in the lobby where we followed him.

"Come on, let's get back to the house, you look exhausted" Paul said, putting a hand on my back and leading me outside to his truck.


A few minutes after I started driving back to my house Serena fell asleep on my shoulder, and I wouldn't blame her, it was nearing midnight and she's had a long day.

I pulled into my driveway 15 minutes later and turned off the truck, then picked Serena up and went inside. I decided to put her in my room and sleep on the couch in the living room, just so she'd be comfortable but the imprint bond played a huge part in it.

After I laid her in my bed and covered her I said a quiet Goodnight before turning off the light and headed to the kitchen to get a snack. I quickly ate my snack, then went to the living room and laid down on the couch, where I laid for hours before finally falling asleep.

I woke up to a shrill scream coming from my bedroom, but not just anybody's scream, my imprints scream. I sprinted to my room to see Serena drenched with water and Jared, Quil, and Jake standing there in shock with empty buckets in their hands.

"What the hell did you three do?" I growled out at the guys, handing Serena a towel.

"Well you weren't answering the like last night and you hadn't phas-"

"Shut up, Quil, she doesn't know!" Jared whispered low enough for only us wolves to hear.

"We came to see if you were still alive and we didn't notice that you weren't in bed because we were too busy trying to prank you" Jake admitted, hanging his head.

Serena was stood with the towel tightly wrapped around her, her hair sticking to her face from being wet, and was shivering. "How cold was the water?" I asked harshly grabbing a sweatshirt off my dresser for Serena to put on

"Ummm, well, you see, we thought that we'd be dumping it on you so we uh, we got it from the beach and put bags of ice in it to make it really cold" Quil stuttered, also hanging his head

"Come here, Serena, I'll get you a shower started, as for you three, we will talk about this later" I said sweetly to Serena but hardly to the guys.

I led Serena to the only bathroom in my house and started a warm shower for her, leaving her a towel and her bag so she could change into new clothes. Once I was sure she was in the shower and couldn't hear us I started my verbal attack on the guys.

"What the hell were you thinking? How did you not notice that a 5'6 130 pound girl was in bed instead of a 200 pound 6'6 beast of a man? It's not that hard to see the difference! You guys are idiots! She barely even knows me and she's only here because she came knocking on my door yesterday looking for help! And then you go and pour freezing water that will most definitely get her sick on her? On my imprint!" I ranted to them, shaking with rage

"She's your imprint? You imprinted?" Jared asked and I nodded, calming down at the thought of her, "you? Paul Lahote, hotheaded brute with sever anger issues and a wolfie alter ego imprinted? I never thought I'd see the day, congrats man, reall, and we're really sorry, it was an honest mistake"

"Yeah, Quil was leading the assault so if you're to blame anyone it should be him" Jake said, throwing Quil under the bus

"Hey! You're the one that said we should get lake water!" Quil exclaimed and the two started fighting with each other.

"Paul?" A small voice questioned causing all four of our heads to snap over to the doorway where Serena was standing in a pair of leggings and a loose tank top, "can I borrow a sweatshirt? I didn't grab any when I was rushing out of there yesterday"

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now