twenty two

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"What do you mean you used manipulation?" Paul questioned the psychopath that had her arms around me.

"Oh, you know, just promising that I wouldn't do anything until the court case if I were to come back home, and lucky for me I didn't have to! The whole reason behind this mess came right back to me!" The psychopath said

"Look, we're just here to get her things and go" Sam said, stepping forward

"I don't think so, she's in my house now, she stays here"

"No the hell i'm not! Get away from me you psychopath!" I exclaimed, attempting to escape from her hold

"Ah, no. She stays here and you boys carry on with your lives like she was never in it. Toodles!"

"She's coming home with us!" Paul exclaimed, getting angry

"You can't take my sister away from me!" Embry called out, tears in his eyes

"You have nothing on us, you puny boy" the man that I used to call dad said

"She's my sister too, and she will come home with us. Now you either let us get her things or we get the police involved" Sam said, taking the role of a leader

"You wouldn't dare" she hissed

"Oh we would, that's my best friend you're trying to kidnap again there" Jared laughed seriously

"You have 10 minutes to get anything from her room, any longer and she stays, got it?" She demanded and the boys all nodded, rushing in

She let me go and I ran to my old room, the boys following me with garbage bags in their hands. "Just start shoving stuff in bags, work quickly" Sam said and we all began to shove my belongings into bags.

I worked on my dresser while Embry and Sam did my closet, Paul did my desk, and Jared did my nightstand. "What next, Re?" Jared asked me after he was finished

"Get the bed set, maybe the mattress and bed frame too so my mother doesn't have to buy a new one" I said and Jared got to work shoving my sheets and blankets into a trash bag.

"I've got tools in my truck. I'm going to go toss these bags in there and grab it" Sam said grabbing 4 bags of my things. Embry followed him with a few more bags, leaving Jared shoving my stuffed animals into a bag and Paul stuffing the rest of my pillows in another.

Sam and embry came back and started to take apart my bed frame quickly, it wasn't much, just a twin sized bed so it would be pretty easy. "4 minutes" the psychopath sang from in the hallway causing all of us to speed up.

Jared grabbed my mattress while Paul grabbed my empty dresser and rushed out of my old room. "Hey! You can't take out furniture!" The psychopath screamed

"You said anything in her room and it's in her room so fuck you!" Jared exclaimed. I started quickly taking down my wall decor and shoved them in a bag, before running to the bathroom and grabbing anything that was mine.

"Quick! Grab the desk!" Sam yelled at Jared when he came in and Jared went straight for the desk.

"2 minutes left, looks like you're not going to have a bed frame!" She taunted but the guys were close to finishing taking it apart.

All that's left in my room are a few trash bags, my rug, and my comfy chair besides my bed so I grabbed 2 bags and rushed them outside and tossed them in the bed of one of the guys' trucks.

Paul came out with the chair folded under his arm and the rug rolled over his shoulder, followed by Jared with a few more bags.

I went back inside to see that there was nothing left in the room besides Sams tool set and my headboard, meaning they must have taken the bed frame outside. Sam came in and grabbed the headboard.

I checked my closet only to find my box that has all of my money that I've saved up over the years on the ground. "30 seconds and you're mine!" She screamed.

I grabbed the box and left the room, saying my goodbyes to the bedroom I grew up in before leaving it forever. When I walked outside all the guys were waiting for me, "what's in the box?" Jared asked me

"Oh, just about $600 from my entire life. I wasn't allowed to have a bank account  and they gave me $5 a month since I turned 4 for doing my chores" I replied, opening the box and showing them all the five dollar bills.

"Holy crap woman, let me hold on to that for you!" Jared jokes, reaching for the box

"No way! Hey, aren't you supposed to be in the hospital still? It's been like 2 days since the accident?" I asked him

"Uhhh, no, they let me go because I only had a few scratches" he said nervously

"They've healed already? They were pretty deep when we went" I said, hopping in Embrys truck

"Yeah, I'm just a fast healer. Listen, let's get out of here before that psycho bitch goes all psycho bitch on is again" he laughed and the rest of the guys agreed.

We all followed Sams truck back to Embrys and  I's house. When we pulled up real mom came running outside with a big smile on her face.

"You made it back! I was worried they were going to take you again!" She exclaimed pulling me into a hug as I got out of the truck

"Yeah, but the guys were all there to make sure they didn't do anything" I told her and she smiled even bigger.

"Look! We got her entire room! That means we don't have to buy any new furniture and we can put the money towards a vacation for you!" Embry exclaimed in excitement

"You got everything? A bed? A dresser! Oh dear Jesus! You guys are amazing!" Real mom started jumping in excitement, "but you're sure you're ok? No scratches, no bruises?"

"Yes, mom, I'm fine" I said, calling her mom for the first time

"Oh! She called me mom!" Mom screamed, pulling me into a bone crushing hug, then pulling Embry in it too.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now