forty two

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"Hey!" Seth exclaimed when I sat in my seat next to him

"Hey, Seth, need any help today?" I asked him

"I don't actually! You really helped me out on Monday and now I'm one of the best in my class!"

"That's awesome, Seth!" I exclaimed, smiling at him.

"Pssst." Birkley whispered from a row near me

"What's up?" I whispered back

"What happened with you and Laken Monday night?" She winked, " you never ended up texting us!"

"Oh, uh, it's a long story. I'll tell you during lunch?" She nodded at me as the bell rang

I met up with Quil quickly and we walked to math in silence. Sitting down on my desk, a giant packet being placed on my desk almost immediately. "What is this?" Bailey asked

"Surprise test! You have the hour to complete it anything left undone looses 50% per day. You can work with a partner but only one" The teacher said

Quil turned towards one of his buddies that I didn't know so I looked at Bailey and she nodded. We moved into desks next to each other and began working out problems very quickly.

By the time class was over we had the entire packet done. "Alright class, those of you who got it done have a free day tomorrow, for those that didn't, you must complete the assignment to 100% on your own tomorrow. Class dismissed"

Bailey and I left the classroom and got to the locker room early, giving us more than enough time to get dressed. "Are we playing lacrosse again?" I asked her

"Yeah, and tryouts are tomorrow after school, you should definitely go. You'd for sure make the team!"

After we changed we went to wait in the hall with the other student who were already  changed. "Class!" The teacher shouted once everyone was changed, "captains today are Blake and Kaleb for the boys and Journey and Maria for the girls! Sort it out, get to the field, I'll be watching for any talent"

Bailey and I walked to the field and met up with Birkley, once there, I got separated from the pair because they were chose by Journey while Maria chose me. Coach was walking around with a clipboard taking notes as we played, making me nervous because I actually think that I could make the team if I really tried.

Coach ended class early and pulled me off to the side along with another girl whose name I didn't know. "I'd like to see you both at tryouts tomorrow, you both have some real talent and can benefit the team. Get changed" he said to use and we left his office.

"Ahhh! What did he say?" Bailey squealed once I got into the locker room.

"Basically that he thinks I'd be a good addition to the team if I tried out" I replied, beginning to change.

"That's so exciting! You have to go!" Birkley exclaimed

"I think I will, I just have to talk to my mom about it. Do they have equipment for me to use for the season? I don't think we can afford new stuff, especially if I end up hating it" I said

"Oh yeah! There's actually team gear that we use, we get our set and sticks at the first practice and keep them for the year. And I'm sure one of us has some old cleats you can use" Bailey said

"Oh, that's awesome. Why don't more schools do that? It's so helpful" the bell ringing caused Bailey and I to part with Birkley and head to chemistry, where we had a work day on a packet that we got.

The rest of the school day went by quickly and before I knew it I was shoved in Paul's truck in between him and Seth. "Where are we going? Why couldn't I ride with Embry?" I asked

"We're going to Emily's place, and Embry has patrol right away for the next few hours and you're moms not going to be home until late so we figured you'd be bored" Paul replied

"Oh, yeah that makes sense. I do have a project that I need to work on though so you better not bug me"

Once at Emily's I went straight to the kitchen where I laid out my poster paper. "Do you have any colored pencils?" I asked Emily, cursing myself for forgetting the set I borrowed from the art room in my locker.

"No I don't, sorry sweetie. You could go pick some up though? Do you know how to drive?" Emily replied

"She's not driving anywhere by herself, not only has she never driven before, but it's very illegal to drive underage" Sam said, walking into the kitchen

"Embry and Jake do it all the time" I said to Sam

"Yes, but Embry and Jake have been driving since they were 12. You would be driving alone to Forks, probably in my car, with no experience"

"Then go with me, you're 21 right? You can teach me how to drive" I asked him, making eye contact so he would give in

"Alright fine, get in the truck while I grab my wallet" he said, finally giving in

"Yay! I'm so excited! Hurry up!" I exclaimed, running to the truck and jumping into the drivers side

Once Sam got into the truck he handed me the keys, "foot on the break and twist the key, then you can let off"

Once I got the car started I buckled my seatbelt and watched as he did the same quickly, a look of fear in his eyes. "Ok, foot on the break and put it into reverse, then let off gently. You want to go to the left once you're out of the driveway so you need to turn the wheel clockwise. Once you're stopped outside of the driveway, put your food on the break to shift into drive"

"Ok, ok, I've got this" I did as he said and squealed once the car immediately started to move. "Alright, let's try this again" I prepared myself this time and did as he told me to do, shifting into drive once I was out of the driveway and on the street.

"You want to go all the way down to the stop sign and take a left, then at the third turn take a right and you'll be on the road to Forks. The speed limit in town is 20 but it changes to 60 once you get into the highway" Sam told me and I nodded.

"Where is the blinker stick?" I asked once at I could see the stop sign in the distance

"Above you're left hand, push down to go left and up to go right" he replied. He looked worried when I was getting close to the stop sign, and gasped when I braked too abruptly.

"Oh thank God it's clear!" I said as I pulled out onto the road"

"Be gentle on the truck, it's my pride in joy"

"No promises"

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now