fifty five

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After my moms yell, Paul and I made sure to leave the door to my room open just to humor her. "Lets go to bed. I'm still exhausted" I said, laying down in my bed. Paul followed suit, and soon we were back asleep.

"You're kidding me. He's still here?" I heard Embry sigh as he climbed through the window.

"How long has he been here?" A second voice, Jake, said.

"Since I left for patrol. She asked me to bring him here" Embry replied.

"That ruins our plans of sleepover then, I'm not cuddling with either of you!" Quit exclaimed

"Go to bed you idiots" Paul grumbled.

"And where do you expect us all to sleep?" Embry groaned

"I don't care, I'm tired." I told them and they collectively sighed. Suddenly, another body joined us in bed.

Opening my eyes, Jacob was laying on top of us. "Jake what the hell" Paul said, shoving him off, "Go cuddle Embry"

Ten minutes later, the three of them finally figured it out and left to go sleep in the living room, leaving Serena and I alone again. "How to you feel about the imprint bond?" I whispered, laying my head his my arm.


"What do you mean?" I asked

"Like, what do you want it to become?"

"I want it to be whatever you want it to be"


"What do you want it to be?"

"I don't know, Paul, my heart is telling me to stay but my brain is telling me to run the opposite way"

"What makes your brain think that?"

"There's been people warning me about you and your reputation, but the way you are with the pack outweighs that. There's also the fact that I'm in danger, and that I've never been in a relationship before"

"Do you want to be in one?"

"I don't know, do you?"

"I do want a relationship. With you though, only you"

"That's sweet, I think you've convinced me enough"



"Well then, Serena Call, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Only if we go slow, I don't want to rush it. We all know how that turned out with Laken"

"So I can't kiss you right now?"

"mmmmm, I don't know, are you playing a prank on me?"

"I would never play a prank like that on you"

"Then I give you my consent" she smiled, which was all that I needed.

I tilted my head town as she tilted hers up towards me, then closed the gap, finally doing what I've been craving to do since I imprinted on her. I brought my hand up to her face and pulled her head closer, loving the contact. "What the fuck!" A voice yelled out, breaking the two of us apart.


All I wanted to do was grab another pillow since Jake and Quit took all of them, not see Paul and my sister mid kiss. "Hey, Embry," Paul laughed sheepishly

"What the hell do you think you're doing! That's my sister!" I yelled, gaining the attention of Jake and Quit, who made their way to my room.

"What happened? What did Paul do?" Quil asked

"They were kissing! He was kissing my sister!"

Serena was red, bright red actually. Somewhere in-between me coming back in here and now the light had turned on, leaving nothing to hide. Paul had Serena pulled close in his side, his arm under her head and his other wrapped around her waist. "Don't hate the player, hate the game" Paul smirked.

"I don't see what's wrong with it, They are Imprints after all" Quil said, shrugging his shoulders.


Embry was fuming, and I was enjoying it. All up until he started shaking like they do before they phase into their wolfs out of anger. "Get out!" I yelled, and terror flashed across Jakes face.

"Quil! Window! Now!" He exclaimed, pulling Embry's arms against his sides and shoving him towards the window.

Quil open the window as far as it could go, and together they forced Embry out of the window, following behind him. Seconds later, I could hear clothes tearing and feet pounding towards the woods. "I don't know when we'll be back. Use protection!" Jake said, popping his head back in the window before running off.

"That was so embarrassing" I said, getting out of bed to sit the window. Paul stood with me and met me in the middle of the room after the window was shut.

"Maybe we should try that again?" He suggested

"Maybe we should" I agreed, standing on my toes to kiss Paul again.

"I like kissing you" He said when we broke apart, a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah, don't get used to it, we're taking it slow, remember?"

I shut off the light, and we climbed back into my bed, "I know," he said pressing a kiss to my forehead, "I'm just excited that I finally get to be with my imprint. I've been dreaming of this day since I met you"

"Goodnight, Paul"

"Night, Re" he replied. Shortly after we both fell asleep again, this time for the night.


"Embry what the hell is wrong with you" I asked into the link once I felt his anger through it.

After he didn't respond, Jake piped up "Serena and Paul kissed. And he caught them"

Images of what Embry walked in on flashed in my head and all I could do was laugh. "Honestly Embry, what did you expect? It was bound to happen eventually"

"It wasn't supposed to happen today! They were fighting earlier!" He seethed.

"Take a lap and cool off Embry, it's natural, you don't see me getting upset about it and she's my little sister too." All I heard was a huff through the link and no more conversations with the trio.

"I can't believe he finally did it" Jared joked, "I honestly thought this imprint would work out like Quil and Claire's bond"

"Me too" Leah chimed in.

"Would you guys shut up? I'm trying to cool down but I can't do that when you guys keep talking about it!" Embry said, still sounding angry.

"Get over it, Embry, it's not a big deal, you're just making it one" Quil said

"I know. I just though that I would find mine before he ever did. And now it's finally real. And I'm freaking out" Embry sighed.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now