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"I'm going to go phase in the trees and see what they're saying, that way I can tell you" I told Embry who nodded, but my mother shook her head

"Seth, he told you that's he's sing if he needs you, so just stay here until then. I'm sure they'll tell you what happened as soon as we can go back" she told me and I nodded silently.

"What about my Mac and cheese? I'm hungry" Serena said quietly and I looked over to her, she was lying stiller than a stick and had a sad look on her face.

"You'll get your Mac and cheese sweetie, I just texted Emily and she's on her way with it now" my mom told her and Serena's eyes brightened

"I'm really hungry too mom" I whined, using my super awesome puppy dog eyes

"You just ate not that long ago" mom replied, shaking her head, "I'm not telling Emily to bring you Mac and cheese"

"Mom! I'm hungry though!" I whined again earning a soft punch from Embry on my arm

"Be quiet, let her sleep until Emily gets here" Embry hissed and I nodded, instantly shutting my mouth because I didn't want to get punched again

20 minutes later Emily walked in followed by doctor Cullen, Emily carrying some containers of food and some forks. Serena woke up at the sound of the door opening, but I think she really woke up because of the smell of Emily's amazing food.

"Emily! You brought me food! I love you!" Serena exclaimed, grabbing the food from Emily who smiled in return

"Seth, Embry, I know you boys are hungry," Emily said, handing us containers as well. "I brought you some as well, Sue"

"Oh, you didn't have to, Emily, but thank you" mom said grabbing her food.

"Now that you are all satisfied with your food, I have received Serena's x-rays. As you can see there is a slight fracture in her collar bone-"

A howl cut doctor Cullen off, and he gave us a look, "go, boys, we'll be fine here" mom said and I nodded.


Just as doctor Cullen was telling us about Serena's X-rays we got called for, which sucked because I need to know what's wrong with her.

Seth and I sprinted for the woods outside of the hospital, yanking off our clothes and phasing as soon as we were out of sight. "What is it?" I asked in the pack link as soon as we were running towards where the rest of the guys are

"There's more of them, we should have it under control but back up is always nice" Sam rushed, probably in the middle of a fight.


"It shouldn't take longer than 2 weeks to heal, but I'm going to keep you on some pain meds for a few days and you'll wear a brace that goes over your clothes. I'm going to go and get that and then you'll be able to leave" doctor Cullen said, closing the door behind him on his way out.

"Where did Embry and Seth go?" I asked Sue and Emily

"They have something that they need to take care of" Sue replied

"Like what?" I questioned

"Just some work"

"Is that what Sam went to go do too? He got a phone call and then ran. Did something bad happen?"

"No, nothing bad happened Re, they just needed some help" Emily told me

"With wolfy things?"

"Damnit," Emily cursed, "I was hoping that you wouldn't remember about that"

"About what? That we almost died in a car accident and that Leah turned into a giant wolf and then someone tried to bite me! Then all of the guys are giant wolves too! How do you expect me to forget that!"

"Listen, Re,-"

"Don't call me that, only Luke can call me that!"

"Call you Re? Why can't I call you Re?"

"Because that was Luke's special nickname for me! Only he gets to call me Re!"

"I'm sorry! Calm down please! I didn't mean it like that, I just hoped that the thought slipped your mind while you were here"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, what tried to kill me? What was that thing?" I asked quietly

"That thing, was a vampire, that's what tried to kill you and that's what we just went and killed" Sam said, walking back into the room, Embry and Seth following behind him

"Why were their hands so cold? And their eyes red?" I asked

"They're cold because they don't have any blood running through them, and their eyes are red because they feed off human blood. Not all vampires drink human blood though, vegetarians, like me and my family, only feed off animal blood" doctor Cullen said, walking in the door with a bottle of pills and what looked like a seat belt.

"You're one of them! That's why your hands are so cold!" I exclaimed, sitting up in fear

"It's ok, Serena, we have a treaty, he can't hurt you" Sam said and I calmed down a little

"Now that that's over with, let's get this brace on you and then you're good to go" doctor Cullen told me, guiding me to sit up.

I flinched when his hands touched my bare skin, but relaxed when Emily grabbed one of my hands to reassure me. After the brace was on I was forced to sit with good posture so that the fracture healed correctly.

"Just take one pill twice a day, every 12 hours, for the next week and you'll be fine" doctor Cullen told me, handing Sam the pill bottle before we left.

"Let's go home, huh? We have to have a talk with Paul" Sam said, starting the big car that we were all sat in.


"They're on their way, bro, better hope you didn't fuck anything up in here because I know for a fact that he will make you run doubles" Jared told me, putting his phone away after he hung up

"What did you even do to piss him off so much?" Jake asked

"I almost hurt her, I almost did to my imprint what Sam did to his" I broke down, I could have killed her, I probably would have if Seth hadn't reacted as quick as he did.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now