eighty four

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We pulled to a stop quickly, and I noticed that we were basically in the middle of nowhere. "I thought we were going to a meadow?" I asked her curiously

"We are, we have to go for a little hike first" Bella responded. She turned her truck off and jumped out, starting for a small gap in the trees. I followed suit, jogging to catch up with her.

"How long is this hike? I'm exhausted. Between having to wake up early to ride the bus to school, classes all day, and a grueling game afterwards I'm just about ready to expire"

"Its about two miles. Shouldn't take very long since I know where we're going. It is a bit hilly though"

"Oh great, be prepared to carry my body back because I think that by the time we get there I'll be taking my last breath"

"Don't talk like that, you're literally an athlete, you'll be fine"

"Yeah but I'm an athlete that gets like four hours of sleep a night. That's gonna catch up with me eventually." The path started a steep incline and I groaned. Who decided it was a good idea to do this after a game? Why not on a weekend?

"Relax, you're going to love it here. Plus, since there was only one game today we Stan stay here longer and you can just relax before you have to go back home and fight with your brothers"

"Good point, lets pick up the pace"

Fifteen minutes later, we came to a beautiful clearing full of flowers. It was close to golden hour too, which made it even more beautiful. "Last year, when Edward left, I came here and everything was dead. I cam back a few times after that, but nothing really changed. This is the first time I've seen it all beautiful again" Bella whispered, taking in the sight of the flowers.

"This is awesome" I gasped, "How do you keep this hidden from everyone?"

"You have to know where to look to find it-"

"Yes you do" A chilling voice called out, "And its a good thing I knew exactly where to look for the two of you"

"Luke!" I exclaimed fearfully, "What do you want from me?"

"Wrong, its what do I want from both of you" He laughed and I felt myself getting dragged into 'the well' again.

"Serena!" Bella cried, fear plastered on her face.

"Bella! Run!" I was too late. Before I knew it, both of us were trapped.

I opened my eyes to see the inside of my school, all the lights were off giving an eerie feeling. Bella was to my left, panicking as she realized she couldn't speak. I reached out for her, causing her to jump out of pure terror. She had no clue that I was next to her.

I motioned for her to stay calm, and we began to walk around the school. Obviously Luke brought us here for a reason, we just had to figure out what it was. 

We found out very quickly that all the exits were either locked or blocked off. He made his point very clear. There was no escaping.

As we continued to search for an exit, the loud speaker crackled. "Hello ladies-" Luke began, making me cringe. "I take it you've realized that there is no way out of here"

We tried the windows, the emergency exits, even the ladder to the roof, but yet there was still no way of escaping this place. "In case you haven't noticed, I've turned the air all the way up in this place. Soon enough you'll be freezing. That; however, could change if you follow my rules. Meet me in the gymnasium if you want to live." The speaker cracked again and we were surrounded by silence yet again.

Bella turned to me, still overcome with fear, her eyes pleading with me to not go to the gym. I had to though, we had to get out of here. Hopefully the guys were chasing down Riley and on Luke's trail so this could be over once and for all. 

I began to walk towards the gym and watched as Bella looked torn, she wanted to help, but she was also scared shitless. Rightfully so, but now was not the time for hesitation. She ran to catch up with me, and together we entered the gym. Luke was right, it was now freezing in this place.

"Glad to see you guys could make it" Luke seethed from the middle of the gym. "here's what's going to happen-"He rushed forward, pulling me into his arms, "You're going to force your little wolf out, and she is going to make it happen"

I struggled to form words, but I could feel Lukes hold on me faltering slightly. "Run!" I exclaimed to Bella, elbowing Luke in the gut to get his attention off Bella.

If I was able to force words out, she would be able to get out. "Where are you hiding, Luke?" I asked him, continuing to block him from Bella.

"You really think I'd tell you? So your wolf friends can kill me?" He laughed, "I'll give you a hint, where did we meet?"

That all I needed. "Bella!" I screamed, "Chem Lab!" 

I felt Lukes hold on me strengthen and I knew that Bella made it out. "tsk, tsk, ReRe, looks like it's just me and you now. You're little leech loving friend was able to escape. Good thing you were too late to let her in on our little secret"

I was in his arms again, this time facing away from him, and he had is nose in my neck. "You smell so good, my little blood singer. I can't wait to have a little taste, but first, we have to get your big bad wolf genes to make an appearance. Let's get started, shall we?"

He quickly began to throw me around, but I was quick to defend myself, I could only hope that Bella had heard me and the guys were on their way to get rid of Luke. As the attacks continued on me, though, my hopes began to diminish. It was looking like I was too late.

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now