eighty five

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I just barely heard Serena before I got out of the school, then, suddenly, I was in Edward's living room. "FORKS CHEMISTRY LAB! GO!" I screamed and watched as the wolves bolted from the house. Jasper, Emmet, and Rosalie followed them, leaving me by myself.

Where was Edward? And Carlisle and Esme? Where is Serena? I got up and looked around the house for a minute, before I heard frantic noise coming from Carlisle's office. I threw open the door to see Edward standing in the corner of the room while Carlisle and Esme were hunched over Serena. I still had no clue where Alice is.

"What's going on?" I asked them. Serena was twitching and pale, with bruises forming on her skin. She had an IV sticking out of her, and the heart monitor was going insane. 

"After you got out Luke's hold on her became stronger than it has ever been" Esme exclaimed.

Carlisle was doing everything he could to calm her down, but from my experience watching the last time, nothing is going to work. "He's forcing her to phase, her body can't handle it while she's in the well" Edward spoke up. He was watching what was happening.

"If they don't get there quick, she's going to phase, and she may never have control. Who knows if she'll even have any recollection of what happened before the phase" Carlisle said. He was taking another sample of blood and then quickly began to mess with it.

"'They're at the school, but Luke blocked the door to the lab. He knows they're coming for him"


Some of you go around and to break through the window Sam commanded. There was no use trying to get through this door, Luke had layers upon layers of stuff blocking it from inside the lab.

I sprinted around the building and to outside the lab, Seth, Laken, and Emmet joining me. When we got there, I didn't even hesitate to jump through the window, crashing through the glass. 

Luke was sitting the the chair, completely zoned out. He didn't even falter, perfect. I jumped on him, breaking him from his trance.

He looked at me in fear, and avoided my attacks, taking off through the hole I created in the window only to be met with the group that followed me. He froze, knowing he was blocked in, until a smirk appeared on his face. "Oh, so you brought in backup to save your precious little wolf. Good thing I have backup too"

Victoria and Riley both appeared from out of nowhere. Of course they're here and we can't just kill them in peace. The three of them sprinted away in different directions, distracting us and making it so we missed our opportunity to kill that leech. The group split up, and I noticed the other group joining as well. This was going to be a long night.


Luke continued to throw me around the gym, trying to force me to phase. And it was working. I could feel it coming, like it was on the tip of my tongue. Right as he was going for another blow, he froze, then I was suddenly back in the real world.

I could feel the anger still within me as I woke up. "Calm down, Serena, you're about to explode" Carlisle said.

My heart rate was off the charts and my body felt like it was on fire. "I have to get out of here!" I exclaimed

"NO!" Alice yelled, coming out of nowhere, "YOU CAN'T GO IN THE WOODS! Not when you're this mad"

The burning in my body was starting to hurt. I knew it was happening and I had to get out of here, but how was I supposed to do that when I was in a tiny room full of vampires?

"You can't leave. We'll figure out how to calm you down" Edward said, "Tell us what you need"

"Get Paul here. Now"

"Serena, they're busy chasing Luke, Riley, and Victoria. I don't think that's possible" Esme said.

"I need to go for a walk. Just around the house, I promise" I said, standing and pulling the IV from my arm.

They watched me walk out of the office, not following after me. The heat in my body was so intense it was hard to move, but I needed to just find a corner to curl up in and cry.


We chased those blood suckers for miles before they disappeared into the water. I knew they'd be back, but I had no clue when they would be back. We all met up on our way back to run together when Rosalie stopped to answer her phone. "Paul, she's asking for you. She's on the edge of phasing. You're the only thing that's going to stop it"

We were at least a twenty minute run from the Cullen's house, and we all had no clue how long she had before she exploded. If she's anything like me, she won't be able to hold it for much longer. Paul took off, running faster than I've ever seen him run before, and we all followed, but none of us were able to catch up with him.


I ran with everything I had left in me. If I could do something to keep Serena from phasing, I'd do it. I easily made the twenty minute run in twelve minutes, phasing and barely getting some shorts on before I bursted into the house. "Where is she?" I exclaimed, panting.

Edward, Esme, Carlisle, Alice, and Bella were all in the entry way waiting for me to get there. "Upstairs, down the hall, take a left and go into the study" Edward informed and I took off again.

My feet pounded up the stairs. The closer I got to her, the more I could feel her presence. The warmth radiating off of her was overwhelming. She was close.

As I got to the study, I spotted her curled into a ball tucked into the corner of the room. I dropped on my knees in front of her and pulled her into my arms, feeling her relax as I did so. "Paul" she whispered

"You're going to be ok" 

Lemon Water // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now