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"I'm sorry sweetie, we don't have a bed for you so you'll have to sleep on the couch until we can get you one" my real mom said as we walked into my new home

"It's ok, none of us expected this to happen" I responded, not phased by having to sleep on the couch

"Embry you're going to have to clean your room, you guys have to share since there's only 2 bedrooms" new mom said, setting her purse on a table

"I'll give you a tour, it's not much but it's all that me and mom have ever needed" Embry said as he grabbed my wrist

He showed me all around the house, starting in the kitchen and ending in our bedroom. "You can pick what side you want and I'll get my stuff out of the way"

"Uh, I don't really care, this was your room first so you can choose" I replied

"Uh, I'll take this one I guess, do you wanna go watch a movie? We can go to the theatre in Forks. The guys can come too if you want"

"Yeah, we can go"

"Great! Do you want the guys to come with?"

"Sure, it'd be nice to have some friends for once"

"You didn't have friends?"

"Only one and he moved away last Friday so I have nobody to talk to at school anymore"

"About that, when was the last time you went to school?"

"Um, Monday? Oh my God! I haven't been to school in like a week! I'm going to have so much homework!"

"It's ok, we're transferring you here so we can be together"

"Oh, ok, sounds good, let's go?"

"Yeah, just let me call the guys quick and see if they want to go, do you want to change?"

"Oh, uh, I don't have anymore clean clothes, do you think we could go over and get my things?

"I'm going to have to talk to Sam about that, and have him bring you some of Emily's clothes for the time being, let me go call the guys now quick"

Embry pulled out his phone and started calling people, asking all of them the same thing, if the wanted to come to the movies with us. Embry turned to me after he made the last phone call, "Jacob, Leah, and Quil have work but Seth, Paul, Jared, Kim, Sam, and Emily will be there"

"Who's Leah?" I asked him, following him to the living room

"She's Sams ex, but we don't bring it up. Sam and Emily are going to bring over some clothes for you but they might not fit. Oh by the way mom, the gang is coming over before we go to the movies later"

"Well thanks for the heads up, and the invite" my real mom replied sarcastically

"You could probably by come with if you wanted, right Embry? That's ok isn't it?" I asked, sitting on the couch

"Oh, sweetie, I was being sarcastic, just be back in time for dinner at 6, I invited over Sam and Emily" my real mom said, "I have to run into work for a few hours to cover a shift but I'll be back by 4:30"

"Knock knock" Sam said, entering the living room a few minutes after my real mom left

"Hey Sam! Emily! This is Serena" Embry jumped off the couch at the duos entrance to the living room

"Hi Serena, I've got some clothes for you to have" the lady, Emily, said holding up a plastic grocery bag that was over stuffed

"Thank you" I said, taking the bag from her and leaving to go change into the clothes.

I tried on everything but the jeans were too tight and the shirts were too big so I couldn't wear any of it unless I grew into it or I lost weight. I put Paul's clothes back on and walked back into the living room, where the rest of the group coming was ow standing.

"They don't fit me" I said after catching Embrys eye, and he frowned

"That's ok honey, Kim brought some clothes too since she figured you would need some" Emily said and Kim smiled, sheepishly holding up a large bag

"Come on! Let's go get you out of these rags" Kim exclaimed, dragging me back towards the bathroom

"Hay! That's insulting Kim!" Paul yelled and the guys all laughed

"We're going to the movie theatre so you want to be comfortable, but we're also going to get some lunch so you have to look cute, so let's put you in some jeans and a t shirt!" Kim said, pulling a pair of jeans and a t shirt out of the bag of clothes

"Kim you're like 4 inches shorter than me, the jeans are going to be like capris on me" I said, taking the clothes from her hands

"And that's perfect because it's a warmer day here! Now go change, I bet the boys are hungry!" She said, shoving me into the bathroom

I put the clothes on, and like I thought, the jeans were more like capris on me, but the t shirt fit perfectly on me. I threw my hair up into a loose ponytail and left the bathroom, being me by Kim who squealed

"What's wrong?" Jared said running up to us

"Nothing, Jar, Serena just looks so pretty! Doesn't she?" Kim squealed again and I cringed

"I don't know if I'm supposed to answer that, Kim, being you're boyfriend and all, why don't you go ask the other guys what they think, you know, the single ones" Jared said and Kim nodded, grabbing my wrist and dragging me back to the living room

"You guys!" She exclaimed, "doesn't she look absolutely stunning?"

"I'm just wearing jeans and a t shirt" I said shyly, hugging my arms around myself

"I think you look beautiful, Serena, it's a good thing that my old clothes didn't work for you" Emily said, smiling at me

"Thanks, Emily" I said to her, smiling back

"Come on, losers, I wanna go eat food and see a movie!" Quil exclaimed and we all laughed, then left the house.

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