Business Business Business

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Business Business Business

"Welcome to Monaco, Miss Baylor." I'm greeted by my security escort.

I have a meeting in half an hour. When I get into the car, I slightly relax.

It's a silent ride to the Erivo building.

When I get there, I see a ton of cameras and the man I'm meeting with. He's the richest man in the city.

Claude Erivo.

"Mr. Erivo, it's nice to finally meet you." I shake his hand.

He leads me through his building, and when we reach his office, I swallow down hard.

"What's he doing here?" I ask.

"Oh, Mr. Steels is here to meet my daughter. You know him?"

I swear I knocked this guy out yesterday!

"He was in my office yesterday and bashed my work and my company, so I ended our contract. He knows nothing of the business world. His father is orchestrating this so he'll be-"

Cedric immediately covers my mouth.

He is taken to the floor. But by Claude, not my security.

"You dare put your hands on a woman? And you believe I'd let you near my daughter?"

You cannot mess with people like that, especially in other countries.

So as Cedric messes up for the second day in a row, he is thrown out.

"Miss Baylor, I apologize for that."

"Mr. Erivo, it's no problem at all."

"Please call me Claude."

And we get down to business.

Claude has a brilliant mind.

"Okay, if this works, automobiles everywhere will change. And this building. The blueprint is off proportion. This swirl tube showcasing new cars will collapse at 40 tons which is less than 20 cars. You need a bigger base than you can have the business style on top. The swirl needs to be supported by either cable or I suggest a tungsten steel mix which is heavy enough to support at least five hundred tons all around." I explain.

Claude chuckles, "young and smart. You work faster than my creative team combined."

I keep a monotone expression, "flattered. Now real talk. Baylor Co. Will give you 650,000 for 75 percent."

"No. 700 for 45."

I laugh, "Claude, buddy, 750 for 80 final."

He knows he needs my money. And this is the best offer around.

I speak up again, "we can re-discuss terms in three and a half years."


I smirk, "nice doing business with you." I shake his hand.

Monaco is a beautiful country.

I spend my day at a car show.

I look for one specific car.

I almost pass out when I see it.

They are auctioning it!

No way! I pull out my phone and call Oscar.

"Oscar, they have it!"

"I'm currently going through your fan mail. You've been proposed to three times. You gotta be more specific than that."

I don't even have the energy to scold him, "Oscar. It's the 250 TR. I think I might cry-"

"You talking about that ugly ass Ferrari?"

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