Court: He cannot be serious

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"Mr. Wise if you do not have your next witness-"

"I do your honour my apologies. I would like to call Elenor Steels to the-"

"What?" I blurt out my accident.

I immediately apologize. I turn back and see Ji and Tucker avoiding my gaze. They allowed this!

Preston repeats himself and he knows I am tearing him apart in my head. That is why he isn't looking at me.

I am terrified seeing this child walking up to the stand holding Ruri's hand.

Elle has a big smile on her face.

Before she is sworn in she looks right at the judge and asks, "can my grandma stay with me your honour?"

She allows it. Ruri sits with Elle on her lap.

Preston eases this in.

"Hi Elenor. My name is Mr. Wise. Can you please tell us how old you are?"

"Hi Mr. Wise. I am six years old."

"Elenor can you recognize the people sitting up here?"

She points as she speaks.

"Over there is uncle Cedric, then uncle Nathaniel, then Goldie, The orientation teacher. The quiet one, grampa Kenny. And I think the last one is a lawyer."

"Yes you are correct. I bet Goldie is Saffron right?"

"Yes." She giggles.

"Elenor can you state who your parents are?"

"Jianna and Tucker Steels."

Preston turns to the jury. "I would like you to look at her testing results."

"Keep in mind she is six years old. She has spent one year at the institution. She has comparable results to her older cousins. Some including the doctor, argue more. I guess you are questioning why."

He turns back to the child who is trying to play with the mic.

"Elle... can I call you that?"

She nods.

"Can you tell us why you are so special?"

"I have a mix of photographic and eidetic memory."

"What did the doctor tell you when you asked for the meaning?"

"She said it is a rare case that when I feel a great amount of emotion I can remember that situation for long periods of time."

"Can you give us an example?"

Elle does this thing. Her eyes freeze. Then her eyes set on me. "Goldie... months ago Goldie let me dress her up. She was muttering to herself and said, 'White and denim. I didn't even know I owned overalls. How am I supposed to travel with this child? Helmet. Where is my first helmet. She's already late I should take my time, safety comes first. When I find out how she got here her father and uncles are going to get an earful. Might just cut their cut and see if they noticed-'

"Hey!" The boys behind me say and the judge gives up at this point.

Elle continues. "That's what she said."

Preston adds. "And may I add Elenor has not been in contact with Saffron for months. She has an amazing reclamation.  Elle do you remember the date?"

"No but it was at 10:15 in the morning. I remember looking at her stuffed monkey on her alarm clock."

Thank you child for calling me out.

Kenzo searches through film. Filtered by time of day. He finds the clip almost immediately and plays it. People are in awe.

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