They'll Always Want More

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They'll Always Want More

Henry and I have been on decent terms. He hasn't tried anything, and I hold my tongue.

Ryder is suspicious of me.

I need to find a way to make him fall.

There's only one way.

I have to play the part. Fully.

Oh, my pride.

Well, I am currently in the gym with the twins.

It is freaking me out they are so in sync.

And I'm just here working on my arms with the cable machine.


Three hours later.

I lower the speed on the treadmill to cool down.

Before I know it, each of them is at my side.

"Angel, we'd like to see how much you've improved from your last training session."

I stop walking.

At a loss for words, I shake my head. I can't do training. Not again.

My last training was the morning of that convention.

A hand falls to my chin. Did I mention Ryder is also obsessed with eye contact?

I hold his gaze, "dearest, it won't take long. I promise."

I'm pulled against Henry.

"Don't touch her."

"Dearest, you know I never mean to hurt you. Come on. Let's go prepare with uncle Ryder."

The one thing that gets on my nerves is the way they talk. It's slow and precise. Like they think of me as a five-year-old.

I look up at Henry. He's having a mini fight with himself.

Yet he hands me to Ryder.

Before we come in contact, Henry warns him, "she will tell me if you mistreat her."

We get on our way. I convinced them to put a demountable wall in my room because I know they wouldn't take down the cameras. Changing behind a mattress is a hassle.

Ryder waits as I take my shower and put on clothes.

He stares me down when I walk out.

"Is there a problem?" I ask, exhausted.

"I hate you... in his clothes."

I want to bash my head into a wall!

"Maybe you should get me some clothes my size?" I suggest.

Ryder approaches me. "No, I don't think so."

The one thing these men love more than anything in the world. Is my attention.

I take a step closer to him and fiddle with his shirt. I hum, "maybe you'd prefer me wearing your clothes?" I ask, making sure our eyes meet.

Just like that, he's in a trance and vaguely nods.

Idiot! Acting like he doesn't have a pair of everything I'm currently wearing!

I run my hand down his jaw, "But what if he finds out?" I pout, pretending to be scared.

"He won't." Ryder's head dips, and I make sure I'm the one leading. If he touches me, I'm done for.

I lean up, light nudging my nose against his neck, taking heavy breaths.

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