Court: Caroline

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Court: Caroline

I've been in this room for too long.

I stare at my shoes. So cameras won't pick up on my emotion.

Niel sits beside me. The rest of the Steels boys are behind us.

This can go on for days. I already feel sick.

The Judge calls for the opening statements.

The thing about court is that you have to hear things you don't want to. Listen to stories being twisted. Lies.

It's hard right off the bat to bite my tongue.

They said I am a mass manipulator. That I went mad through the death of my siblings, and try making them pay for it. And as I grew, I included other people in my scheme. Which includes the Steels.

Then my side claims they are mentally insane. My words, not theirs. And that they've been abusive, they've run an assimilation camp across the country. Probably, killed hundreds. We are trying to prove that they are monsters.

Everything happens so quickly. Preston Wise, my lawyer, promised me that he will do everything in his power not to call me to testify.

So the first person he calls to the stand is Caroline.

She is sworn in, and the questions begin.

She's asked if she knows the defendants. She says yes.

"Mrs. Nash. Can you tell the jury your current and or past relationship with each of the defendants?"

"I am Ryder's ex-Fiancé, now I am his in-law. I am Henry's wife and simply was friends with Kenzo."

"Do you recognize my female client?"


"What is your status with her?"

"I am Saffron's mother."

After more basic questions, we get into the deep questions.

They ask if she's ever laid a hand on me. If she's ever contributed to my physical abuse and such. Which she hasn't.

"Miss Nash, have you ever heard any of Saffron's screams or wailing through her childhood?"

She was never there when I screamed.

"Have you seen any harm be done to her?"

This is where she pauses.

She asks for clarification. For the word harm.

"Let me rephrase. Have you ever seen Saffron at the receiving end of Henry or Ryder's hand in an attempt to hurt her physically, as a child?"

And she says no.

"Mrs. Nash do you know what went on in your basement, which began over twenty years ago? Or why did Ryder Nash show up out of the blue and never left?"

I thought he wasn't allowed to stack questions like this...


"Please share why with the jury."

"Saffron had just turned three. She had a brilliant intellect at such a young age. Henry wanted her to maintain that intellect. So he began teaching her. They'd call it training sessions. Ryder came along and helped. As to why he stayed I do not know- I don't understand it."

That's a lie. Sorta.

And from this, they pull up a clip of her and Ryder speaking. He stayed for her. And she didn't want him.

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