Getting it together

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Getting it Together

Funny how I'm the bad guy now.

Casey was served with papers in his building.

Cedric was arrested...

It was filmed... and he got another charge for resisting arrest...

Preston is now just watching me.

He is literally in my office doing his work in the corner.


"You deliberately did what I said not to."

"You said it after the fact! I didn't know Casey was going to take to Twitter. And I was angry, that's why I got Cedric arrested, he knew how much that car meant to me, and he denied it too many times. What was I supposed to do?"

"Send your workers to go get it. Stop putting yourself in situations."

"Situations come to me. I am doing my job! I invest. I create. I loan. I am genuine and give second chances kinda, but when that is abused, I take legal action. Casey didn't have to go online. Cedric should've told me about my car."

"And may I ask who Maxon Eugene Effron is?"

"He's just an old friend."

"Okay, now let me be honest with you. When I accepted this case, I told you I needed your story from beginning to end. I did my work. I tried making sure there was nothing wrong with your story. I ran you through the system. Your full names. I used Sofie and Saffron interchangeably. I happened to come across a Sofie Sage and an Effron Coffee House which I discovered recently changed into Maxon's coffee house. You were employed the day after the death of your siblings."

"Okay fine. When I ran, I happened to be in front of the coffee shop, and Max offered me a job and a place with him and his sister. I was never reported missing. I left because Ryder threatened them."

"Sofie, this is important information!"

"Don't. You cannot drag him into this. He has nothing to do with this. He didn't know."

Preston and I hold eye contact.

"Fine. He stays out of it."

"Thank you."

"Where's Oscar? Haven't seen him in a while."

"We had a misunderstanding, and I am angry with him about it."

"Come on. You've been friends for a long time. Is it worth the anger?"

This man could care less about my life. He's just here because he gets the most money from me.

"I don't know what his deal is, and I don't want to continue this conversation."

I stand and pick up my keys. I need to check on the Bayrivo building.

I make it, and I see supplies being brought in.

I see that the underground parking is nearly done.

The base of the office structure is coming along.

It's solid enough that I can walk through it.

The people in here are putting up support rods and adding onto the 'roof.'

This building will have more floors than my current building. It'll be the biggest structure in town.

When I receive my report I head back to my car.

There's nothing left for me to do.

I suddenly feel reckless. I drive to my track.

I haven't driven on here yet. It's actually asphalt. My old track was sand.

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