On our minds.

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On Our Minds

Cedric's POV

Niel and I talk on my balcony.

Well, not really. We both don't want to say it.

And at the same time, we call each other's names.

I sigh, "okay, wait. Pick a number between zero and ten, the person closest to five speaks."

On the count of three, we both say eight.

"Wow. You know what, I'll just start." Niel says. "I hope you know I'm not backing down. Cedric, she's-"

"Different. I know. And we both know, she is likely not willing to be in that type of relationship. Let alone choose between us." I say.

"I know we wouldn't be having this conversation if you weren't serious, but Cedric, are you ready to be in that kind of relationship?" He asks me.

I look out to the view of trees. The way I feel around Saffron... I've never felt that way about anyone before. We can laugh together. We can talk seriously. She puts up with me when she is annoyed. I just don't want my brother to be the stepping stone of getting to her.

I flip the question, "she's your first real friend. Do you really have feelings, or are you caught up in a moment?"

He has a small smile. "If I was caught up in a moment I wouldn't feel the way I feel-"


We see Elenor at my door. She's six and the youngest of our nieces.

"Elle, what's going on?" I pick her up.

"Daddy and my uncles are trying to make us lunch with Grandma's cookbook, and they burned everything. We need your help." She pleads.

I get down there, "Tucker you are lucky your daughter is adorable otherwise I would've stayed upstairs. How the hell did you guys burn egg whites? Hold up you guys aren't even supposed to put these directly into the pan-"

Oh my gosh, I'm in a house of idiots who don't know how to cook and expect a woman to do all their work.

I clear out all dishes. I turn on the oven. I grab a huge skillet and put about 75 slices of bread to the side.

I turn on the heat I grab a big bowl and crack about 60 eggs.

I whisk and dump them all in the butter-based pan.

I let that sit and develop a base. Then I grab a baking rack and put 75 pieces of bacon on it, and shove it in the oven.

I use chopsticks to scramble the eggs.

I grab lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, ham, avocado and spinach.

I cut them all up and put them in their own bowl. I set out condiments too.

I go back to the eggs which are nearly done.

The bacon is crisping up.

"Alright kids, grab two slices of bread. Put condiments or toppings on as the mains finish." I tell them.

I take the bacon out of the oven to cool off in the slightest.

I turn the heat off for the eggs.

"Line up! Youngest first."

Elle comes up to me with two slices of buttered bread. I chuckle, "Elle you need to eat your fruits and veggies."

"Then can I have fruit on the side?"

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