Explanations prt 2

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Explanations prt 2

I spend a week with Capo. He has shown interest in eating actual food.

I've made arrangements for him to be bright home with me.

Oscar is avoiding me. He's being strictly professional.

Capo has done better being away from me. Luckily for me, Winston's daughter, Echo, works with horses and she offered to look after Capo for me. So I'm set.

My plane is ready.

I'm about to go through a ton of shit back home.

In the back of my head. I wonder how Oscar and Carmella will make things work.


A week and a half after returning from Italy.

I let Echo and Capo get used to each other and they get along. Capo loves the ranch. Though he's a bit scared of the other horses.

I say my goodbyes and head to my office.

It's empty when I walk in which makes me so confused.

My cameras are messed. I need my desktop.

I head to the break room for my tumbler. When I walk in, my employees yell,  "WELCOME BACK."

I simply stare at them blankly. "You guys, I leave the country sometimes multiple times a month... this is the first anyone has acknowledged it."

"Miss Baylor, remember that time we found out your birthday?"

"Uh, you mean the day my media team was terminated and replaced within the same day because they dropped a cake on my prototype pen?"

"Yes." Multiple people say.

Christiano continues, "well,, we've always been terrified of that happening again, so we figured if you and Oscar were gone we could do something-"


"You've made a difference in all of our lives. We just want to show you our appreciation."

They've worked so hard. I can't be an ass right now because I'm not in the mood.

"You all work so hard. I should be the one throwing a surprise to you-"

"You do!" They all say.

I playfully roll my eyes.

"The department bonuses are nothing."

"Okay, I see the look on your face you want to get out of here, so here is your tumbler and a slice of cake, corner piece of course." The man hands them to me.

"Oh, and your files have been organized and stacked on your desk, Casey Steels has requested your next available appointment space. Trancendie has made a few comments, and the public would like a statement-"

I grin. "Nova, I know you love your job. You are great at being on top of everything. Please calm down. I am no superwoman. Just walk with me. Let's go." I laugh, and we get going.

She catches me up, and I get to my office.

I call Casey.

He just wanted to know if I got his check.

Ugh. Now I got to call my bank.


"Casey I got the check. Now-"

"You send back anything I'm not taking it."

"You literally gave me 10 thousand more than you owed me."

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