Court: Kenzo

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Court: Kenzo

Niel and I are allowed back into the courthouse.

Preston looks over his notes and I am poking him because he is ignoring me.

He finally looks at me.

"Are you crazy!" I whisper.

"Saffron, yes he forked you over. But you know the guy adores you. Let me do this."

Cedric speaks up, "yeah he may love her but he hates us you bozo!"

Preston goes back to ignoring us.

Kenzo is sworn in.

"Let's start off with this. Kenzo do you recognize this contract?"


"What is this contract?"

"That when Baylor Co. denies Steels Co. The two companies shall be joint by marriage."

"Who's signatures are in this document?"

"Mine. Nathaniel's. Henry's and Saffron's."

"This contract was signed almost eight years ago. When did you meet Saffron?"

He clenched his jaw. "Six years ago."

"Mhmmm so how could she possibly sign the contract if you've never met her?" The question is rhetorical.

"Who actually signed the contract Kenzo?"

"Ryder Nash."

"Who's signatures did he forge?"

Silence for a moment. "All of them except my own."

They had film. He properly learned in it no time.

"So Ryder did agree of the martial union between Nathaniel and Saffron?"


"Who certified this contract?"

He doesn't answer.

"Mr. Steels you are under oath."

"Zale Anderson."

The judge calls for order. You know from a spectator view this must be so interesting.

"Are you aware that arranged marriages where the participants do not consent is illegal?"


"When Saffron found out about the contract did she consent?"


"Did Nathaniel?"

"He neither agreed or disagreed."

"Kenzo what do you think of Saffron?"

I dislike the grin on his face. "Brilliant. She is simply brilliant. Her mind is extraordinary. That's why she's the best business woman in the world-" he catches Zale's eye and shuts up.

"Kenzo can you tell us your mindset for your life. You had ten boys. All pretty close in age. Lots of grandkids. You are all pretty successful."

"I want my legacy to live on. As I see it it's started."

Cedric chortles and Niel covers his mouth.

We all ignore it.

"Kenzo, you knew the treatment of the children at the institution. You went there yourself. Why put your kids in that environment?"

"I believe all great parent figures would like their child counterparts to grow to be like them. I am successful beyond repair. Is that wrong for wishing that for each of my following generations."

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