Rekindling with caroline

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Rekindling with Caroline

Funny thing.

Claire and I didn't exactly do business...

We very much went to the movies and talked chocolate for the night.

For the rest of my time in Luxembourg, we just hung out.

She said I should be myself. That I act too old and need to have fun.

On the night I left, we signed the investment forms. Being with Claire makes me realize I really need girlfriends my age.

When I get home, I go straight to my building to file new documents by hand.

When I walk into my office... behold Steels number one.

"I know I don't deserve it. But if I may have a moment of your time?"

I tell him to have a seat.

"I was out of line. There's no excuse for that. I shouldn't have gone online. Saffron, I don't have your money, and court would kill me. Can we please figure something out?"

"You know when you left, I told Roject, I'd give you another chance if Peyton was actively involved. Then you went online and I got pissed."

"Peyton? You know my wife?"

"Have you been online for the past couple of weeks? Or saw that like me Peyton and the rest of your sisters-in-law and Elenor had a slumber party after a balloon fight in the park with your brothers and their kids too. Your wife is smart. She's the only one I believe can really get to you. You are misunderstood Casey, and you need to realize this is your chance to reconnect with your family. Kenzo doesn't care about anyone other than himself. You are fighting a lost cause. Why is it that you can look past the trauma of your siblings? Your children? Yourself? And support the man who caused it? You are better than that. I will drop the case. I put myself in your shoes. You don't have the money because it's something to support your family when things aren't looking too good. Unless I'm wrong?" I eye him.

"Your mind is frightening."

"I get that a lot. But I stick to my actions because no one respects me. Now get out. Go spend time with your wife. Do it before I change my mind or Cedric changes it for me."

Casey gapes at me, "you chose Cedric?"

I laugh. "Can someone tell me why everyone is shocked?"

"Uh, Everyone is surprised he's never caught anything... his body count has got to be in the-"

I cover my ears. "Nope. I don't want to know. And you guys don't know his full story. Unfortunately, it's also the biggest reason your father is facing more serious charges. And probably why he was slightly easier on Cedric when he came back."

"What are you talking about?"

"If you guys thought Nathaniel had it bad at that torture school. Wait for this gruelling court session because everyone is watching. Everyone will know everything."


Things are finally okay. The news isn't stalking me anymore.

Preston has left me alone.

Felicity called me. We worked things out, and she's back with Oscar.

And that man couldn't have been happier.

But he still holds back, and I think that's because people will always have a place for that one person.

So on days like this where I'm actually not bothered and have no more work to accomplish. I prepare myself.

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