Never trust a Steels

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Never trust a Steels

"You, staring at me isn't going to get things done faster," I say as I remodel my website.

"Well, you haven't given me anything to do."

"You walked into my office without saying a word. A hello would suffice."

He runs his hands down his face.

He's been sitting there watching me for an hour.

Just then, "GOOD MORNING!"

Oscar is in a very good mood this morning.

He places my tumbler on my new desk. And tries hugging me as I work.

"Touch me, and I'll have you hosed. Did you take a shower this morning? You smell of whore."

Oscar pulls out one of my extensions.

I tackle him to the floor.

"I can't believe you just did that."

"By the way. I took a shower at Fae's. You can go screw yourself. And this is just for you-" he puts his left hand on my face.

I get off of him and scream. So loud that Niel, who I forgot was here, covers his ears, and security rushes in.

"He's not allowed in here for the rest of the day!"

When he's gone I sit in my chair. Grab my wet wipes and spray them with skin safe disinfectant and wipe my face and tumbler.

"You are still staring!" I snap.

"You don't wear makeup to work." He says.

I give him a strange look.

"I only wear make-up to dinner and galas. You think I wear makeup when that man will put his hand on my face?"

He asks me what the problem was.

I roll my eyes, "you seem to pay close attention to people. What did you notice about his hands."

"Other than the fact his left hand is noticeably more groomed than his right. Nothing."

"You seriously aren't seeing the connection?"

He shakes his head.

"He uses that hand when he handles his women."

It's the blank stares for me. I question him, "Totally none of my business. Have you ever been with a-"

"No. I don't think you know how invested my father was in me working with you. I have no friends. I don't really leave the house. Going to Monaco was the first time I was out of the country."

"What do you do?"

"I think of ways to escape. I try talking to my mother. It never really works. The woman is scared to speak when he isn't there as if he can hear every word that'll spill from her." He frowns.

Why the hell is he this open?

I print a couple of papers. "I'm not gonna lie. I don't remember your sibling's names. But I numbered them one through eight. Mind giving them these?" I hand him a folder.

"Why did you want me here? I'm not doing anything."

"We are going to meet with the construction crew. I was gonna have you do office work but, I'm using you instead. Let's go."

"Using me how?" He asks as we walk to my beauty.

"You are a tall man with a resting bitch face. You look intimidating, and every construction team hates the pretty little brunette talking about what she knows so deeply."

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