Connecting the Dots

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Connecting the Dots

It's been a long morning. Oscar was upset I went to see Cedric. But understands why I did.

He's freaking out about how his girlfriend feels about him.

I've requested a private call with Alessandro. I have a feeling he'll turn it down. He's up to something, and I don't know what his game is. I shouldn't even be playing this game as I already have so much on my damn plate.

Niel walks into my office with a smile on his face.

"Why do you look so happy?"

"Since I get a break from my work for Claude, I decided to take my birthday gift."

"Cool. See you in a month."

"Okay, but the thing is... Why would I just go alone?"

"I'm not going with you. I am like weeks behind in work. The murderer isn't a murderer yet confessed to the murder. I reviewed my evidence, and he never did confess other than his written confession. Your brother admits to actually cheating on me. Oscar is not voicing his opinion anymore after our little fight. My mom is making life so awkward, and I hate it because she's right most of the time-"

"Saffron!" He snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry. Uhhh why are you here?"

"I'm taking you out for lunch."

"Nope, I'm working."

"Then I brought lunch to you." He claps, and Nova walks in with a tray of food.

"Stop using my workers. And thank you, Nova."

"Anytime, Miss Baylor."

"Hey, I spent my time cooking for you. Appreciate it."

I take the cover off of the tray which reveals seared salmon vegetables and cashews.

"You are trying to force me to each healthy." I stare at him to make him uncomfortable.

"Can you stop staring at me like that!"

"Thank you for looking out for my health." I begin eating, and Niel eats too.

"Admit I'm a better chef Sofie."

I laugh. "You are both great cooks. You have an expensive taste. And I am loving it. How'd you know I liked cashews?"

"Uhh like a month ago you were yelling at Oscar to get you chocolate-covered cashews. I know that cashews are a creamy nut. They go well with meat in any form. I just prefer them as they are and I know you aren't a picky eater. Unless it's chocolate, then you are the world's worst critic."

"I'm a woman who knows what she wants in regards to foo-"

My phone starts ringing. It's closer to Niel than it is to me.

"Unknown foreign number?"

I have never picked up my phone faster.


"You lied to everyone."

"I thought I did. I barely remember the night. You can check, I was in the hospital for the next two days. I was poisoned. One of my guards. Came to visit and showed me the actual footage. I never altered the footage. I've been trying for months to retrieve the footage. The video cancels out my confession. I'm willing to find out who did this, but I totally ruined my relationship with Carmella."

It took so long because my system is very much the most difficult thing to get through.

"Dude, do you care about her?"

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