Court: Henry and Nathaniel

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This case has been going on for over two weeks. Witnesses upon witnesses have come on the stand and nothing has made big change.

There a lot a of people who don't like me. And a ton of people who don't like them.

Survivor stories are heartbreaking. And the people who don't see the problem hurt even more.

And Wise calls Henry to the stand.

Zale shoots out of his seat. "Your honour my client will not be taking the stand."

"Mr. Anders I am sure Henry Nash may speak for himself?"

Ryder and Henry stand. "I'll be taking the stand."

Ryder pushes Henry back into his seat. "Ignore him please."

"Can someone confirm that this is in fact-"

"No. That's Ryder." I speak up.

He glares at me.

"Henry Nash. Please take the stand."

And Henry is sworn in.

Preston sighs. "Henry. After all that's been presented in this court room. Do you have regrets?"


"Can you tell them to us?"

"I don't think we have that kind of time but the one at the top of the list would be driving my family away from me."

"Henry have you ever physically harmed Saffron as a child?"


"Have you raised your voice to verbally undermine her?"


"Did you watch your brother physically hurt her?"


"Have you laid hands on her as an adult?"


"What did you do and when?"

"I tried strangling her months ago at the institution."


"Nathaniel tazed me twice before I did damage to her windpipe."

"Why did you want to harm her in that moment?"

"We had an argument. She called me insane... she said the only thing I've ever given her in life is an X chromosome and I snapped."

"This argument?" Preston hits play and the whole thing plays out.

I try not to watch and just look at the table.

But then I see veins on Neil's hands. He's clenching his fists hard. I look at him and you can obviously tell he's pissed.

When it's over he relaxes and Preston continues.

"I'd like to bring attention to Henry's results. In contrasts to Ryder's... Henry is more stable yet more stressed. He has been diagnosed with severe anxiety, as well as; Dementophobia, which is the term used for people who feel like they lose touch with reality and fear it... Henry what makes you stressed?"


"Has Ryder ever forced and or manipulated you to do something you never agreed to?"


"Like what?"

He names a date.

I was 12.

"That day is another regret."

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