Classes and Backstories

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Classes and Backstories

We have everyone in our lecture hall.

"We want to teach all of you to be successful in the world. So you can say this is similar to a class at a school. First. Raise your hand if you can read?"

We have a couple of hands go up.

I nod. "Now if you can read the numbers up to 100 keep your hands up." Many stay up. "How about 10 thousand?" They begin to fall fast.

"100 million?" All hands fall except my two girl leaders.


Adela's hand drops.

"Tell me Meredith?" I ask her.


I smile impressed. But it soon turns bittersweet.

"You are going to be so very bored. So I ask if you can help your peers. Today we are starting from the very beginning. The alphabet and numbers up to 1000."

Niel and I fought throughout the night because I told him if I had to listen to the orginal basic version of the alphabet for three hours I'll lose my damn mind... we fought over what version to play. Crazy enough we settled on a classical version... that also happens to be Sesame Street.

We give the front row trace sheets and tell them to pass it back after they've taken one. Along with some pencils.

Niel takes over. "Everyone was seated by age if you haven't noticed. Everyone is in specific order. You all have a laminated rectangular. It has the spelling of your name, some of your tags have last names attached. Some of you don't and that's alright. I want you to pay attention to the letters on your tag as you go through your alphabet. I want everyone to look at the screen. If you know which hand is dominant ignore this. If you don't we will train your right hand for this world caters to it more."

The screen shows how to hold a pencil with your right hand.

"I simply want you all to trace over the letters and numbers." I say walking up to Lilly and Luke.

I crouch down to the level of their seats. "Are you two alright? How was breakfast?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"Favourite breakfast." They say together.

I smile, knowing that Niel didn't have much time so he whipped up some porridge and beans. He couldn't get the meat because meat is expensive and going out to get it is high risk.

"That's my favourite too." I tell them before drawing their attention to the task. The smaller ones have dry erase templates and markers.

"Can you trace this for me?" I point to their tags.

I refrain from laughing when they grip the marker like a stick. I reposition their hands. "You may find this way quicker."

I quickly move along to help others.

Niel does the same but starting with the oldest.

An hour goes by and everyone knows their name.

Soon we split everyone who knows their numbers up to 100 and those who don't.

It's even almost even. There's one remainder. And I know that the twins won't split.

"Professor, the twins." I tell him.

"Everyone else your partners will help you learn 1 to 100. Then I will teach you the trick to know when dealing with bigger numbers."

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