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"I don't understand... I just want to save... you."

"This is saving me?" He asked, "This is... you here... is saving me? Did I ask you to?"

Cale's stunned expression caused him to close his mouth. They were just having a father-son moment when he noticed him here, but it quickly turned sour. Cale summoned all of his courage to come here. Even when he raised his voice at him, his expression remained unchanged.

His son, his lovely son, adores him to the point of coming here himself.

Were you worried that you'd lose me as well? Don't you believe I'll return?

Cale's stubborn expression and pleading voice replayed inside his head as he held his hand.

"You are the only one..." so stubborn that he didn't know if he was crying or not, "I won't let go..."

"Cale Henituse... this is your last warning... return... inside the capital...""

But Cale, haven't I done everything in my power to keep you safe? Don't you realize that your presence here makes you my greatest weakness?

He mercilessly shook his hand away from him. He was overcome with emotion as he witnessed his son's hurtful expression.

However, if he is forgiven for doing this, he will undoubtedly do it again..

Cale is a child. He is still young. He does not have to bear the burden that he must..

He should just stay safe inside the citadel and wait for him.

"No, Count. I will not accept this order.""

Cale's refusal to obey his command chilled his blood. As he looked at him, his taste turned sour.

This child, who willingly put himself in danger, was the last ray of light in his life.

Deruth didn't say anything else but, "Suit yourself," he said quietly.

He's enraged. Not at Cale, but rather at himself. He just demonstrated how weak and useless he is by failing to keep that child safe. He despises himself for being this way. He should have braced himself for the worst. He should have planned everything...

So that Cale would never have to come to his rescue again.

He still has pride that he wants to protect, but it is meaningless right now.

All I wish for you is that you remain healthy and happy.

Cale, on the other hand, would not give him the opportunity to prove his worth as his father.

He always comes to my rescue when I should be the one doing it for him.




Just go with the flow. That's what you were doing before you came here. You can do it again, Kim Rok Soo..

Cale couldn't see Deruth over the camp and didn't have the courage to go looking for him. Deruth was angry, Ron said, and he could tell by the way he spoke to him previously. The weather was sunny, and the corpses had already been created, but the plague appears to have spread to the capital and the center lands.

Slowly, they were able to assist the citizens in returning to their hometown. Alver was especially skilled at this because he had already issued a royal order on the subject. Surely, the prince who learns how to be at the top of the food chain will do so more frequently. However, he remains dissatisfied with how he acted when his people were dying while attempting to balance the wants and needs of the nobles and royal family.

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