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When Alver awoke, he saw the familiar ceiling of the Henituse Villa. He groaned and pushed himself out of bed. When Ron awoke, he was already making tea.

"Good morning," he said cheerfully. With a smile, the old man returned the greeting. Despite his frightening appearance at times, Ron is dependable. This obedient servant is deserving of his title.

"The transgressors have already been sent to the palace," Ron reported, handing him the letter from the palace. "As per My Young Lord's order, I will report to you until you return to the palace, and Lord Taylor Stan and his siblings will also stay here for the time being..."

"Are you okay with this?" Alver inquired.

"Yes, Vicross will remain with My Lord for the time being."

Alver nodded and read the contents of the letter. Zed Crossman granted him permission to stay at the Henituse Villa until he recovered in a letter. There was also the issue of guardianship for the Young Marquis Stan, as most Stan members were doing dirty work.

"What did Taylor have to say about guardianship?" he wondered.

"The Count was overjoyed that he would have more children under the Henituse after Marquis Taylor petitioned Lord Deruth for guardianship."

Alver remained silent and prepared himself. Cale was already performing official duties after Deruth temporarily assumed the position of Prime Minister. The servants all smiled as they handed the documents to their Young Lord to sign or work on. He was just standing there watching Cale curse the King and mumble profanities. He smiled softly as he noticed the young man complaining about the increased workload.

"Big Brother Prince," Cale snorts as he hands him a fountain pen, "you should enter whenever you want... you looked like a stalker."

"You are aware that I am not a Henituse, right?"

"Forget about that... help me with this, because I am about to burn everything."

Alver smirked. While stacking the already completed papers, he noticed Ron shaking his head but remained silent. The sound of a pen on paper and gentle breathing was relaxing.

"Are you all right now?" Cale asked, his gaze fixed on the papers.

"I am..." he replied.

Cale gave him a sidelong glance before handing him the egg on his lap. He stood up and handed him a funeral jar.

"I discovered this person's remains in the Stan house and at the location where you are; we can not keep her in that state, so I had her cremated last night."

Alver smiled bitterly as he looked at the jar. "Baby Cale..." he pleaded to Cale, "Thank you very much for doing so much for me... but... Can you accompany me to one place?"

Cale did not say anything. He nodded and took Alver's hand in his..

"Tell Mother that we are going somewhere."

"I understand," Ron said, knowing Alver's intention.

Alver, riding a horse, let Cale hold onto his mother's remains. They travel to a large blue lake far away from the palace. Alver assisted Cale in dismounting the horse and took his mother's body in his arms.

He opened the jar containing her ashes and whispered, "This is the place... that mother always loved." A dark elf should be returned to nature or he will become the object of evil. "She told me... to live and be happy."

Cale listened to Alver. The words Jour Thames spoke made his heart tremble.

"That is what mothers are," he replied, smiling and patting Alver on the back. "Back then... when mother died... I could not even cry..." because he did not know how to feel about the mother of the body he was inhabiting. "It is a blessing for you to be able to cry for your mother, who loved you so much."